東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


アジア情報社会コース ITASIA program

情報化時代のアジアを理解するための革新的なアプローチDeveloping fresh approaches to the understanding of Asia in the information age







In 2008, the University of Tokyo launched a new International Master’s/Doctoral Degree Program: Information, Technology, and Society in Asia (ITASIA) at the GSII, based on the cooperation of the III and the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia. This program offers intensive graduate level education designed to foster analytical strength and insight into Asian societies and international relations, at a time when ICT is having an increasingly profound impact on the region.

The program is tailored to both international and Japanese students who are motivated to pursue active professional careers on the regional and global stages. All instruction is conducted in English, so proficiency in Japanese is not a prerequisite. The academic year at ITASIA begins in September.

Students in the M.A.S. program are trained to grasp changing political, economic, and social realities of globalizing Asia through media, communication, and information studies together with the related methodology and skills, so that after graduation they can make appropriate judgments and recommendations in their respective professional environments. The M.A.S. program is appropriate for those interested in pursuing careers in public administration, media, business, and academic institutions. The Ph.D. program is intended to produce high-level researchers and professionals in the fields of Asian studies and information studies. Students will acquire a broad-based knowledge of arts and sciences, as well as expertise in the investigative techniques and theoretical analysis required for advanced research in politics, economics, media studies, and other social sciences.

Successful completion of this course leads to the awarding of a degree with the title “M.A.S. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)” or “Ph.D. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)”.

For more information, please see the ITASIA Course website.

アジア情報社会の4つの柱4 Main Areas of the ITASIA Program


コース担当教員Faculty Who Teach in This Course/Program

ダルグリーシュ・ブレガムDALGLIESH, Bregham

哲学の批評・国際化の倫理Critical Philosophy; Ethics of Internationalisation


原田 至郎HARADA, Shiro

コンピュータと国際政治Computing & International Politics

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林 香里HAYASHI, Kaori

ジャーナリズム研究、マスメディア研究Mass Media and Journalism Studies Comparative Media Studies: Reports on Fukushima

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久野 愛HISANO, Ai

文化史・経営史・技術史Cultural History, Business History, History of Technology


板津 木綿子ITATSU, Yuko

歴史、メディア、レジャー、社会的マイノリティHistory, Media, Leisure, Social Minorities


影浦 峡KAGEURA, Kyo


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筧 康明KAKEHI, Yasuaki

マテリアル・エクスペリエンス・デザイン ―物理世界の表現力拡張と体験のデザイン―Material-Driven Experience Design

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KARLIN, Jason G.KARLIN, Jason G.

メディア論・カルチュラル・スタディーズmedia and cultural studies

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額定其労KHOHCHAHAR, Chuluu E.

アジアの法・歴史・社会Comparative Asian Law, History, and Society


北田 暁大KITADA, Akihiro

メディアの社会学Media Sociology


前田 幸男MAEDA,Yukio

政治学・世論研究 数量データによる政治・世論への接近

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松田 康博MATSUDA, Yasuhiro

東アジアの政治と国際関係International Relations in East Asia

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ケネス盛マッケルウェインMCELWAIN, Kenneth Mori

統治機構をデザインするComparative Institutional Design


ミハエル・ハチウスMichael FACIUS

グローバル・ヒストリー、日本近現代史、ソフトウェア・スタディーズGlobal History, Modern Japanese History, Software Studies


名和 克郎NAWA, Katsuo

ネパールおよび南アジアの人類学Sociocultural anthropology, Nepal and South Asia

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デザイン先導イノベーションDesign Thinking


佐橋 亮SAHASHI, Ryo

東アジアの国際関係East Asian security and international relations

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佐倉 統SAKURA, Osamu

進化生態情報学Evolutionary Biology and Science Communication

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園田 茂人SONODA, Shigeto

「動くアジア」の比較社会学Comparative Sociology and Asian Studies

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高木 聡一郎TAKAGI, Soichiro

情報経済学Information Economics

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パッタジット・タンシンマンコンTANGSINMUNKONG, Pattajit

東南アジアの歴史叙述と対外認識Comparative historical narratives and international perceptions in Southeast and East Asia


渡邉 英徳WATANAVE, Hidenori

情報デザイン,デジタルアーカイブ Information Design, Digital Archives

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矢口 祐人YAGUCHI, Yujin

カルチュラル・スタディーズCultural studies


山口 いつ子YAMAGUCHI, Itsuko

情報法・情報政策、表現・情報の自由、プライバシー・個人情報保護、知的財産権、グローバル・プロアクティブ・フェアネスInformation Law and Policy, Freedom of Expression/Information, Privacy, Data Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, Global Proactive Fairness


山内 祐平YAMAUCHI, Yuhei

学習環境デザインDesign of the Learning Environment

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