東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


生物統計情報学コース Biostatistics and bioinformatics course

臨床研究の実務能力と倫理観を有する生物統計家の育成Training students to become biostatistician with ethical perspective and practical skills for clinical research


コース設立の背景    わが国では生物統計家が不足しており、臨床研究実施の遅れや研究不正につながっていると指摘されています。このため、実務家としての生物統計家を育成し臨床研究実施機関に送り出すことは喫緊の課題とされていました。国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED)の「生物統計家育成支援事業」において、生物統計家の育成拠点として東京大学大学院と京都大学大学院が選定され、本コース設立に至りました。

教育体制      本コースでは、座学及び実際の臨床研究業務を経験する実地研修を効率的に融合した教育プログラムを学際情報学府・医学部附属病院・国立がん研究センターと連携して提供します。また、学部教育を受けた学生に対し、臨床医学・疫学・臨床試験学等の医学系基礎知識を習得するために、医学系研究科公共健康医学専攻とも連携します。



Biostatistics is an applied statistics related to medical and health sciences, and it is a field to study methodologies of research designs and statistical analyses in clinical and epidemiological researches. The Biostatistics and Bioinformatics course provides specialized education to acquire not only knowledge of biostatistics, but also a wide range of practical skills (research design planning, creating a protocol, statistical analysis, programming, reporting, etc.) for conducting clinical research. We will train biostatisticians with high communication skill and ethics that can promote high quality research in collaboration with health care professionals through lecture, on the job training and research of this course.

Background of course establishment          It is pointed out that in Japan, the shortage of biostatisticians leads to delays in conducting clinical research and improper research. For this reason, training biostatisticians as practitioner and sending them to medical sites conducting clinical research was considered an urgent issue. The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) has selected both graduate schools of the University of Tokyo and of the Kyoto University as training centers for biostatistics. That is the background of course establishment.

Educational system        In this course, we offer educational programs that efficiently combine lectures and on the job training to experience actual clinical research under the collaboration of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies and the University of Tokyo Hospital and the National Cancer Research Center. In order to supplement the basic knowledge of medicine related to clinical medicine, epidemiology, clinical trial methodology, etc. to undergraduate students, we will also collaborate with the School of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine.

Successful completion of this course will lead to the awarding of a degree with the title “M.A.S. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)”.

For more information, please see the Biostatistis and Bioinformatics Course website.



コース担当教員Faculty Who Teach in This Course/Program

伊東 乾ITO, Ken

作曲=指揮、時空間イメージの創造・創出Musical Art and its Cognitive Basis

Profile Lab Website

小出 大介KOIDE, Daisuke

薬剤疫学(特にベネフィット・リスク評価)と診療情報解析Pharnacoepidemiology (Benefit/Risk Assessment) and Clinical Information Analysis


越塚 登KOSHIZUKA, Noboru

ユビキタスコンピューティングUbiquitous Computing, Analytical Information Science

Profile Lab Website

松山 裕MATSUYAMA, Yutaka

生物統計学: 臨床・疫学研究の計画と解析Biostatistics: Design and Analysis of Clinical and Epidemiological Studies

Profile Lab Website

野村 尚吾NOMURA, Shogo

がん臨床試験のデザインと解析Design and analysis of cancer clinical trials


大庭 幸治OBA, Koji


Profile Lab Website

小川 光紀OGAWA, Mitsunori

数理統計学: 計算代数統計,統計的推測Mathematical Statistics: Computational Algebraic Statistics, Statistical Inference


佐藤 宏樹SATO, Hiroki


Profile Lab Website

上村 鋼平UEMURA, Kohei

生物統計学: 臨床試験のデザインと解析Biostatistics: Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
