社会に開かれた創発的な研究教育拠点Emergent research and education base opened to society
The Open Studio at the University of Tokyo was completed in April 2017 by Mr. Hayao Nakayama donation. As a base for public studio or square at the University of Tokyo, we provide a place to contribute to emergent research and educational activities open to society, such as workshops and exhibitions.
In the III (Interfaculty Initiative in Information studies) Main Building basement floor of about 120 square meters, we have 6 m wide whiteboard walls and audiovisual equipment. In addition to this 120 square meters, there are six bay windows space (about 2.4 m wide and about 1.3 m depth) applicable for various exhibitions. The ceiling is covered with batons and power supplies so that we can install projectors, screens, and lighting equipment in various positions. We have some tables suitable for group work to enable dynamic space layout. We can darken the room, since it has excellent light-shielding property. Furthermore, we can utilize warehouse (about 12 square meters), entrance (about 8 square meters), and open deck (about 45 square meters).
At this studio, Mr. Hayao Nakayama and HAYAO NAKAYAMA Foundation for Science & Technology and Culture donate to the “Nakayama Future Factory” project with the keyword “play with people.” As part of it, we are collaborating with the iii-Exhibition and the Hongo Tech Garage and are conducting group work education and collaborative projects with Bunkyo-ku and various organizations.


ワークショップ用レイアウト/Layout for Workshop

シアター用レイアウト/Layout for Theater

オープンデッキ/Open Deck

Open Studio, iii UTokyo
Activities can be found here.