ユビキタスコンピューティングや IoT(Internet of Things)の教育研究施設Facility for Education and Research of Ubiquitous Computing and IoT (Internet of Things)
The Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building is one of the facilities of the III situated on the Hongo Campus. Its construction was funded by a grant from Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. with the aim of promoting research at the University of Tokyo. Work on this building began in October 2012 and was completed in April 2014. Education and research activities have been conducted there since then.
In accordance with the terms of the grant, the building provides a home for education and research in the field of ubiquitous computing under the auspices of the Applied Computing Science Course and the Institute of Infrastructure Application of Ubiquitous Computing. In addition, the building also seeks to play a role in the education of young people around the world by establishing a “Ubiquitous Spatial Archive” in which large scale objects can be exhibited in a compact space by using ubiquitous computing technologies.
The basic idea for the building was developed under the leadership of Professor Ken Sakamura, and the architectural design planning was accomplished by Professor Kengo Kuma of the School of Engineering, making it a successful product of university-wide cooperation. In the future, we hope to fulfill the expectations of this grant and redouble our efforts towards the production of the world-class research achievements and human resources.
We are profoundly grateful to Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. and to all those in the III and the University of Tokyo who helped in various ways to make the realization of this building possible.

The Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building