東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


東京大学大学院情報学環・学際情報学府倫理綱領 Ethics Policy Principles of the III/GSII, the University of Tokyo




Adopted by the Faculty Council and the Education Council on December 10th, 2021


The Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies and the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (referred to henceforth as “III/GSII”) was established in the year 2000 as an organization within the University of Tokyo dedicated to comprehensive and advanced research on information. Other organizations at the University contributed greatly to its foundation, and it has undergone a constant process of reform since its inception. In order that all its present and future members can share a common understanding of the values and ideals to which the organization aspires, and to announce those values and principles to society at large, the III/GSII hereby adopts the following ethics policy principles.
There is not, nor should there ever be, any change to the III/GSII’s foundational commitment to intellectual creativity, academic freedom, free expression, frank dialogue, openness to new challenges and contributing to society through diverse educational and research activities. The following principles have been arrived at after much debate and are intended to be explicit statements of values and ideals that all the organization’s members would naturally aim to follow. It is hoped that these are principles that members of the organization would be enthusiastic about maintaining and strengthening into the future.

1.新たな学問の開拓、社会貢献・連携1.Pioneering New Academic Fields, Collaborating and Contributing to Society


We seek to pioneer new academic fields and methodologies, publish the results of our work, and thereby return benefits to society. We will contribute to society and conduct ourselves in a manner that earns social trust. We will make efforts to build relationships that cross borders between countries and regions.

2.多様性・包摂・対話2.Diversity, Inclusion and Dialogue


We respect different fields and cultures and uphold the values of diversity and inclusion. We will create spaces for open dialogue and allow creativity to develop through dialogue.

3.人権の尊重、他者に対する責任3.Respect for Human Rights, Responsibility for Others


We support fundamental human rights and value individual dignity. We aim for a society without harassment or discrimination on any grounds, including those of nationality, race, gender and disability. As individual members of the organization, we will each behave responsibly towards other people.

4.公正性・透明性・説明責任4.Fairness, Transparency, Accountability


We uphold the values of academic integrity, fairness and transparency. We will think seriously about what role academia should play in society and be sincere in our attempts to fulfill our duty to achieve accountability.

5.法令、倫理綱領等5.Laws, Regulations and Ethics Policies

法令・本学学内規則・各種倫理綱領等を学んで遵守します。上記の項目1 から4 までに掲げた理念等を一層促進するため、特に、名誉・プライバシー・個人情報・知的財産等の保護、研究資金の取扱い、研究資料等の保存に関して、必要な対応策をとります。

We will study and respect all laws, university regulations and statements of ethics policy principles. In order to further promote the principles outlined above in items 1 to 4, we will in particular take necessary measures for the preservation of such matters as honor, privacy, personal information, intellectual property, the responsible handling of research funds, and the proper storage of research materials.


附則 この倫理綱領は、令和4(2022)年4月1日から施行する。

The adoption of the above stated ethics policy principles does not alter any rights or responsibilities provided for in law or by university regulations. These ethics policy principles are intended to provide a basis for each member of the organization to think independently about how they should conduct themselves.

The above ethics policy principles are effective from April 1st, 2022.