東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


社会情報学コース Socio-information and communication studies course

社会科学の立場からの情報社会研究者の育成Training students to be researchers of information society based in the social sciences





The Socio-information and Communication Studies Course is concerned with social and cultural phenomena related to media, communications, and issues arising in contemporary information society, drawing on a diversity of disciplinary perspectives united under the common banner of “socio-information and communication studies”.

There are six main areas of study in this course: (1) Media and journalism studies, (2) Law and policy, (3) Economics and industrial studies, (4) Sociology and history, (5) Social psychology and information behavior, (6) Asian regional studies. While maintaining foundations in the existing humanities and social-science disciplines, faculty associated with this course are engaged in research using the most recent data and interdisciplinary perspectives. Results from this research are introduced to students in classes. Specific examples of the kind of topics covered in lectures and seminars are the history and current condition of broadcasting and journalism in Japan, electronic money, e-government, information freedom, information privacy, the social and behavioral effects of cellular-phone usage, and communication between professionals and clients.

The course provides extensive education in basic theory and methodology, thus creating a firm foundation for students to develop their own interests and explore more advanced topics. Special provision is also made for students with work experience who want to acquire deeper academic understanding and research skills that they can use to further their professional careers.

Successful completion of this course leads to the awarding of a degree with the title “M.A.S. (Socio-information and Communication Studies)” or “Ph.D. (Socio-information and Communication Studies)”.

社会情報学6つの柱6 Main Areas of SCS


コース担当教員Faculty Who Teach in This Course/Program

林 香里HAYASHI, Kaori

ジャーナリズム研究、マスメディア研究Mass Media and Journalism Studies Comparative Media Studies: Reports on Fukushima

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石崎 雅人ISHIZAKI, Masato

専門家社会のコミュニケーションCommunication in professional societies

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開沼 博KAINUMA, Hiroshi



北田 暁大KITADA, Akihiro

メディアの社会学Media Sociology


三谷 武司MITANI, Takeshi


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丹羽 美之NIWA, Yoshiyuki

メディア研究、ジャーナリズム研究Media and Journalism Studies

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大庭 幸治OBA, Koji


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酒井 麻千子SAKAI, Machiko

知的財産法(特に著作権法)Intellectual Property Law, Copyright Law


関谷 直也SEKIYA, Naoya

災害社会科学Disaster Social Science

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澁谷 遊野SHIBUYA, Yuya

社会情報・空間情報科学Spatial Information Science, Socio-information


高木 聡一郎TAKAGI, Soichiro

情報経済学Information Economics

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山口 いつ子YAMAGUCHI, Itsuko

情報法・情報政策、表現・情報の自由、プライバシー・個人情報保護、知的財産権、グローバル・プロアクティブ・フェアネスInformation Law and Policy, Freedom of Expression/Information, Privacy, Data Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, Global Proactive Fairness
