2000年の創立以来、情報学環・学際情報学府は、情報に関する総合的で先端的な研究教育組織として着実に発展してきました。情報通信技術やメディア環境の社会的変容を受けて、研究領域の拡充や教育体制の整備を図りながら、組織の再編を積み重ねています。旧・社会情報研究所との組織統合や附属研究施設の設置などによって、その規模は大きく拡がっています。 学際的かつ実践的に情報学の研究教育活動を推進していく国際的拠点に相応しい大学院組織として、情報学環・学際情報学府の持つ社会的意義はますます高まっています。今後もさらに発展を続け、21世紀の情報社会を新たな地平へと引っ張っていきます。
Since their establishment in the year 2000, the III and GSII have developed steadily as a center for advanced research and education on all aspects of information. They have gone through a number of reorganizations as their research fields and educational programs have expanded in response to the constantly changing technological, media and social environment. The scale of the organization has greatly increased as a result of merger with the former Institute of Socio-information and Communication Studies (ISICS) and the establishment of numerous affiliated research facilities. The III and GSII have risen to significant social prominence for their role as an international center for the interdisciplinary and practical pursuit of research and education in the field of information studies. It can only be expected that this development will continue in the future as the complexity of information society in the twenty-first century increases ever further.
2000 |
Establishment of the III and GSII. The Department of Interdisciplinary Information Studies initially had two programs: “Interdisciplinary Information Studies” and “Applied Information Studies”.
2004 |
情報学環と社会情報研究所が組織統合されました。この統合に伴い、社会情報研究所附属施設が移設・改称され、情報学環附属研究施設として社会情報研究資料センターが置かれるとともに、情報学環・学際情報学府図書室が開室されました。また、社会情報研究所教育部が継承再編され、情報学環教育部研究生制度が開始されました。そして、学際情報学府学際情報学専攻の2コースが改組され、社会情報学コース、文化・人間情報学コース、学際理数情報学コースの3コースが設けられました。旧・社会情報研究所について 文部科学省21世紀COEプログラム「次世代ユビキタス情報社会基盤の形成」の拠点として採択されました (2004年度~2008年度)。 Merger of the III and ISICS. As part of this merger, facilities formerly attached to ISICS were renamed and placed under the jurisdiction of the III. This includes the facility now known as the Media and Socio-information Studies Archive and the III Library. Furthermore, the Undergraduate Research Student Program of ISICS was reorganized and continued under the III. The structure of graduate education at the III was also reorganized, leading to the establishment of three programs in place of the former two: “Socio-information and Communication Studies”, “Human and Cultural Information Studies” and “Interdisciplinary Information Sciences”.About ISICS Adoption of the “Center for the Study of Ubiquitous Computing Infrastructure” as a 21st Century COE Program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (MEXT) (April 2004 – March 2009). Adoption of the Industry-Academia Cooperative Education Program in Content Creation Science as program receiving special funding by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (MEXT) (April 2004 – March 2009). |
2005 |
文部科学省特別教育研究経費(教育改革)「コンテンツ創造教育研究コア」の拠点として採択されました (2005年度~2009年度)。
Adoption of the Research Core for Education in Digital Content Creation as a program receiving special funding by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (MEXT) (April 2005 – March 2009).
2006 |
Establishment of the “Applied Computer Science Course”.
2008 |
Completion of building work on the III Fukutake Hall. Establishment of the Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research (CIDIR) through cooperation between the III, Earthquake Research Institute and Institute of Industrial Science. Eastablishment of the International Degree Program in Information, Technology and Society in Asia (ITASIA) as the fifth graduate program of the GSII.
2009 |
Establishment of the Research Center for Ubiquitous Information Society Infrastructure as a facility attached to the III. Establishment of the Media Contents Research Initiative as a subsidiary organizations of the Multi-media and Socio-information Studies Archive. Renaming of the Interdisciplinary Information Sciences Course as the Emerging Design and Informatics Course.
2010 |
10th Anniversary of the Founding of the III and GSII. The III and GSII look forward to further development and expansion of their research and education programs, and to making an even greater contribution to society. Special activities marking the 10th anniversary are planned.