東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


先端表現情報学コース Emerging design and informatics course

学際的に協調して先端的な理系情報学を切り拓く 専門的な研究者・表現者の養成Training students to become advanced information-science researchers and artists working in partnership with other disciplines





The Emerging Design and Informatics Course is concerned with research and teaching in the information sciences and digital art expression, with a foundation in advanced science and engineering. It comprises three main areas of study: (1) Media art and digital contents, (2) Spatial design and simulation, and (3) Robotics and interfacing.

In “Media art and digital contents”, research is conducted on media art expression and the technology of digital content creation based on media technologies such as computer vision and virtual reality, and on information technologies such as computer graphics. “Spatial design and simulation” is concerned with technology for the design of future spaces and social institutions based on simulation technology and related areas of information technology. “Robotics and interfacing” focuses on the study of information technologies related to moving bodies such as robots and vehicles, mechatronics and interfacing.

Students in this course will acquire a firm grounding in advanced information engineering while also having a broad interdisciplinary perspective fostered by additional study in diverse fields (both humanities and natural sciences) thus preparing them to become innovative researchers and/or creative professionals.

Successful completion of this course leads to the awarding of a degree with the title “M.A.S. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)” or “Ph.D. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)”.

先端表現情報学の3つの柱3 Main Areas of EDI

コース担当教員Faculty Who Teach in This Course/Program

相澤 清晴AIZAWA, Kiyoharu

映像とメディア処理:3次元映像とライフログVideo and Multimedia Technology: 3D Video and Life Log

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雨宮智浩AMEMIYA, Tomohiro

メタバース/ソーシャルVR空間での教育効果 Educational benefit in metaverse

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稲見 昌彦INAMI, Masahiko

身体情報学:未来の身体をデザインするInformation Somatics: Virtual and Augmented Human

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伊東 乾ITO, Ken

作曲=指揮、時空間イメージの創造・創出Musical Art and its Cognitive Basis

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筧 康明KAKEHI, Yasuaki

マテリアル・エクスペリエンス・デザイン ―物理世界の表現力拡張と体験のデザイン―Material-Driven Experience Design

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上條 俊介KAMIJO, Shunsuke

応用マルチメディア情報媒介システム処理, 高度交通システム・人物セキュリティ・蛋白質工学Applied Multimedia Information Processing, Intelligent Transportation Systems・Pedestrian Security, Protein Engineering

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川越 至桜KAWAGOE, K. Shio

STEAM教育、科学技術コミュニケーション、宇宙物理学STEAM Education, Science Communication, Astrophysics

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工藤 和俊KUDO, Kazutoshi

「巧みさ」の身体運動科学Human Movement Science, Perception-action coupling in human skilled behavior

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國吉 康夫KUNIYOSHI, Yasuo

身体性に基づく認知の創発と発達Cognitive Development through the Body

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葛岡 英明KUZUOKA, Hideaki

CSCWとバーチャルリアリティCSCW and Virtual Reality

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目黒 公郎MEGURO, Kimiro

都市震災軽減工学Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Engineering

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苗村 健NAEMURA, Takeshi

現実拡張・対話設計・創造支援Augmented Reality, Interaction Design and Creativity Support

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中川 茂樹NAKAGAWA, Shigeki

地震火山観測システム開発Development of earthquake and volcano observation system


中野 公彦NAKANO, Kimihiko

モビリティの制御と信号処理Control and Signal Processing in Mobility

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鳴海 拓志NARUMI, Takuji

バーチャルリアリティと人間拡張Virtual Reality and Human Augmentation

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沼田 宗純NUMADA, Muneyoshi

防災プロセス工学、G空間/ ICT防災Disaster Process Engineering, G-space/ ICT disaster management

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小川 剛史OGAWA, Takefumi

グループウェアとヒューマンインタフェースGroupware, Human Interface

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大口 敬OGUCHI, Takashi

交通制御工学Traffic Management and Control

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大原 美保OHARA, Miho

災害リスク軽減学(災害リスク評価、リスク・コミュニケーション等)Disaster Risk Reduction (Risk Assessment, Risk Communication)


大石 岳史OISHI, Takeshi


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岡田 慧OKADA, Kei

人と生活するロボティクスCollaborative Robotics


大島 まりOSHIMA, Marie

コンピューテーショナル・バイオメカニクス、科学技術コミュニケーションComputational Bio-Informatics

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デザイン先導イノベーションDesign Thinking


佐藤 洋一SATO, Yoichi

視覚メディア工学Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition

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須田 義大SUDA, Yoshihiro

車両の運動と制御Vehicle Dynamics and Control

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戸矢 理衣奈TOYA, Riina

応用人文学Applied Humanities


鶴岡 弘TSURUOKA, Hiroshi


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渡邉 英徳WATANAVE, Hidenori

情報デザイン,デジタルアーカイブ Information Design, Digital Archives

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山口 泰YAMAGUCHI, Yasushi

視覚メディアVisual Media

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山肩 洋子YAMAKATA, Yoko

画像認識Image recognition

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山川 雄司YAMAKAWA, Yuji

高速ロボットの開発とその応用Development of High-speed Robot and its Application

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山中 俊治YAMANAKA, Shunji

デザイン・エンジニアリングDesign Engineering

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矢谷 浩司YATANI, Koji

知的,健康的生活を支えるインタラクティブなシステムとアプリケーションInteractive systems and applications for intellectual and health life

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