東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


情報学環・福武ホール III Fukutake Hall

学びと創造の交差路、場と活動のデザインA crossroads between learning and creativity, design of place and activity



情報学環・福武ホールの施設には、シンポジウムや国際遠隔授業などに利用される「福武ラーニングシアター」や、ITを利用した問題解決型の授業やワークショップなどに利用される「福武ラーニングスタジオ」をはじめ、情報学環・学際情報学府の全メンバーが利用できるコミュニティスペース「学環コモンズ」、新しい学習環境を創造するための産学・社学連携拠点「福武ラーニングラボ」などがあります。テラスではメディアやアートに関する屋外イベントが開催され、また、気軽に知的な対話を楽しむことができるカフェ「UTカフェ ベルトレルージュ」も併設されています。


III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.

The university of the twenty-first century must be bold in its approach to the social issues of the day?and position itself at the forefront of the value creation process. Fukutake Hall takes seriously the lessons to be learnt from dialogue with society and provides a new space for the flourishing of creativity. It brings the III’s interdisciplinary research programs into contact with the diverse problems of the information society, thus offering new models for an information society based on cultural diversity.The advanced information technologies built into all parts of the building provide support?for learning and creativity through dialogue.

Fukutake Hall provides a number of facilities that support the core research and educational activities of the III and GSII. They include the Fukutake Learning Theater for international conferences and classes using video conferencing, the Fukutake Learning Studio for practical classes and workshops using information technology, the III Commons providing a community space for all faculty and students of the III/GSII, and the Fukutake Learning Laboratory for the creation of new learning environments through industrial and social partnership projects. The building also has a terrace where media art is exhibited and open-air events take place. Intellectual conversations can also be enjoyed at UT Cafe BERTHOLLET Rouge, which is also located in the building.

The building received a “Good Design Award” in 2008. It is a veritable “crossroads of learning and creativity” for the nurturing of community, deepening of dialogue, and creation of new research. It provides a space for various activities aimed at the creation of new ideas from diversity.




III Fukutake Hall


On the other side of the 100m “Thinking Wall” lies a veritable crossroads between learning and creativity. This is what defines Fukutake Hall.