東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


情報学環・学際情報学府図書室 III Library

情報学全般を広くカバーする研究図書や雑誌資料の収集A comprehensive collection of academic books and periodicals related to information studies




The III Library maintains a comprehensive and constantly expanding collection of academic books and periodicals covering the fields of information, media and communications. It preserves collections of materials inherited from the Institute of Journalism and Communications Studies (and its prewar predecessor) on journalism and the control of public expression. Also preserved are materials on mass media and communications from the days of the Institute of Socio-information and Communication Studies (ISICS). Since the merger of the III and ISICS, the collection has expanded further to include all aspects of information phenomena irrespective of the division between natural sciences and humanities/social sciences.

The areas most intensively covered are newspapers, film, television, radio, publishing, communications, journalism, the Internet, media culture, advertising, disaster information, socio-information and social psychology. The functions of the III Library and the Multi-media and Socio-information Studies Archive are divided in that the former focuses mainly on research publications (both books and journals) while the latter mostly collects media materials.

At the current time, there are more than 120,000 volumes in the III Library collection. Constant efforts are being made to maintain the currency and quality of the collection and to provide a service to students and researchers that will contribute to the development of information studies.




III Library


This library maintains a comprehensive collection of books and periodicals covering a wide range of academic fields focusing on information, media and communications.