分析情報学に基づくユビキタス社会基盤の構想Developing social infrastructures based on ubiquitous computing and information analysis
The Applied Computer Science Course aims to promote research and education in the ICT field in accordance with the age of the ubiquitous information society.
This course is concerned principally with the technology of ubiquitous and embedded computing, spatial information science, overlay networks, and next-generation Internet services. It seeks to develop methods for the acquisition and distribution of various forms of real-world and virtual information as digital data. It also pursues practical approaches to information analysis whereby the digital information provided by these methods can be applied effectively in society.
Topics studied in this course include applications of ubiquitous computing, such as object traceability, drug informatics, and spatial information science. In addition, research is being carried out on methods for clarifying vulnerabilities in network systems and defensive strategies. Finally, work is also under way on methods for the analysis of large quantities of data (such as that derived from observation satellites), disaster warning systems, sensor networks, next-generation internet services, complex reality, wide-area distributed systems, food traceability, the management of social capital, and mobility support.
This course seeks to train experts with an interest not only in the practical application of technology, but also in the social systems needed to support these technologies, with the ability to make appropriate judgements based on large quantities of data.
Successful completion of this course leads to the awarding of a degree with the title “M.A.S. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)” or “Ph.D. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)”.
For more information, please see the Applied Computer Science Course website.
総合分析情報学の3つの柱3 Main Areas of ACS
コース担当教員Faculty Who Teach in This Course/Program

蜂須賀 知理HACHISUKA, Satori
日常生活の小さな「よろこび」の発見と増幅Discovery and increase of small "pleasures" in daily life
Profile Lab Website
越塚 登KOSHIZUKA, Noboru
ユビキタスコンピューティングUbiquitous Computing, Analytical Information Science
Profile Lab Website
寺田 透TERADA, Tohru
分子シミュレーション法による生体高分子の機能メカニズムの解明Molecular simulations of biological macromolecules
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