東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


文化・人間情報学コース Cultural and human information studies course

情報学的視座からの文化・人間諸科学の再編Restructuring the cultural sciences and humanities from the perspective of informatics





In a sense, the Cultural and Human Information Studies Course is the most distinctive of all the courses in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies. It is concerned directly with the task of constructing a new interdisciplinary field of information studies fusing aspects of the humanities and social sciences with elements of the natural sciences.

Faculty members associated with this course come from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, including Science Technology and Society, Science Communication, Cognitive Science, Affordance Theory, Media Art, Cultural Studies, Semiotics, Asian Studies, Historical Information Studies, Archive Studies, Media Studies, Media Literacy, Educational Environment Design, Workshop Design, Library Information Studies, Linguistic Analysis, Political Communications, Public Opinion, etc. This diversity provides a basis for a very open and rich educational and research experience. The course includes students interested in pursuing creative and expressive work, as well as students intending to carry out theoretical and empirical research.

The three main areas of study in this course are: (1) Humanity and Environment, (2) History and Culture, (3) Media and Communication. These form a framework around which numerous ambitious projects are being pursued with the aim of developing fresh approaches and strategies in the cultural and human sciences capable of dealing with a wide range of both practical and theoretical issues of the twenty-first century. Students in this course are trained to become experts in research and other practical fields equipped with the profound knowledge and methodological acuity that are sure to be needed in the world of the future.

Successful completion of this course leads to the awarding of a degree with the title “M.A.S. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)” or “Ph.D. (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)”.

文化・人間情報学の3つの柱3 Main Areas of CHIS

コース担当教員Faculty Who Teach in This Course/Program

遠藤 基郎ENDO, Motoo

朝廷・寺院史料に基づく日本史研究(11-15世紀)、日本史史料研究用データベースJapanese History (Ⅺ – ⅩⅤ century), Database for Japanese History


藤本 徹FUJIMOTO, Toru

ゲーム学習方法論と学習支援技術Ludic Design for convergence of Meaningful Play and Playful Learning

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藤田 結子FUJITA, Yuiko

芸術・文化生産Media and Culture, Race and Gender, International Migration, Production of Art/Culture


開 一夫HIRAKI, Kazuo

認知情報分析学Developmental Cognitive Science

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影浦 峡KAGEURA, Kyo


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筧 康明KAKEHI, Yasuaki

マテリアル・エクスペリエンス・デザイン ―物理世界の表現力拡張と体験のデザイン―Material-Driven Experience Design

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菊地 大樹KIKUCHI, Hiroki



黒木 真理KUROKI, Mari

魚と人のかかわりRelationship between Fish and Humans


前田 幸男MAEDA,Yukio

政治学・世論研究 数量データによる政治・世論への接近

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真鍋 祐子MANABE, Yuko

越境するナショナル・アイデンティティKorean Studies


武藤 香織MUTO, Kaori

社会科学と先端医科学の相互作用、福祉社会学Sociology of Medicine and Family; Research Ethics

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永吉希久子NAGAYOSHI, Kikuko

社会意識、国際移動、社会階層に関する研究Public Opinion, International Migration, Social Stratification


小川 浩之OGAWA, Hiroyuki

現代イギリス政治外交史、国際政治史Contemporary British Political and Diplomatic History, International History


岡 美穂子OKA, Mihoko

日本史(16・17世紀)Japanese History (XVI and XVII century)


大島 まりOSHIMA, Mari

コンピューテーショナル・バイオメカニクス、科学技術コミュニケーションComputational Bio-Informatics

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佐倉 統SAKURA, Osamu

進化生態情報学Evolutionary Biology and Science Communication

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佐藤 宏樹SATO, Hiroki


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田中 東子TANAKA, Toko

メディア文化論、フェミニズムMedia and cultural studies, Feminism

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渡邉 英徳WATANAVE, Hidenori

情報デザイン,デジタルアーカイブ Information Design, Digital Archives

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山名 淳YAMANA, Jun



山内 祐平YAMAUCHI, Yuhei

学習環境デザインDesign of the Learning Environment

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横山 広美YOKOYAMA, Hiromi

現代科学論・科学の公共政策分野Science communication and public policy

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