東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII

教員 Faculty


渡邉 英徳


WATANAVE, Hidenori


東京大学大学院 渡邉英徳研究室

  • 文化・人間情報学コース
  • 先端表現情報学コース
  • アジア情報社会コース
  • 情報学環教育部


  • 情報デザイン,デジタルアーカイブ
  • Cultural and human information studies course
  • Emerging design and informatics course
  • ITASIA program
  • Undergraduate research student program

Research Theme

  • Information Design, Digital Archives
III Faculty (Core & Mobile)


  • 第17回日本地図学会学会賞(特別賞,古橋大地との共同研究成果)
  • 第4回デジタルアーカイブ学会賞(実践賞,古橋大地らとの共同研究成果)
  • 第11回広島本大賞(庭田杏珠との共著)
  • 2016年度日本新聞協会賞(岩手日報社との共同研究成果)
  • ジャーナリズム・イノベーション・アワード 2015・2016 最優秀賞
  • 第13・14・19回 文化庁メディア芸術祭 審査委員会推薦作品選出
  • 2013年度グッドデザイン賞 グッドデザイン・ベスト100選出 および 復興デザイン賞受賞
  • 株式会社ほぼ日「ほぼ日のアースボール」コンテンツ共同研究・開発





Hidenori Watanave is a Professor at The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies.

He received BE (Diploma Award) and ME degrees in Architecture from the Tokyo University of Science and PhD in Engineering from the University of Tsukuba.

He was consecutively a game creator at SONY Computer Entertainment, a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, a Visiting Associate Professor at Kyoto University, and other institutes.

He is currently Deputy Director of the Public Relations Office & Professor, III + GSII, The University of Tokyo.

  • The 17th Japan Cartographers Association Award (Special Award, Results of joint research with Taichi Furuhashi)
  • The 4th Japan Society for Digital Archive Award (Practice Award, Results of joint research with Daichi Furuhashi et al.)
  • The 11th Hiroshima Book Award (Co-authored with Anju Niwata)
  • Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association Award 2016 (A joint research with Iwate Nippo)
  • Grand Prix, Journalism Innovation Awards 2015 & 2016
  • Jury Selections, The 13,14 an 19th Japam Media Arts Festival
  • Joint research and development of contents of “Hobo-Nichi no Earth Ball”

CV: https://researchmap.jp/hwtnv

Related Links





ヒロシマ・アーカイブ」「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」「トルコ・シリア地震 衛星画像マップ」など,戦争・災害のデジタルアーカイブズ・シリーズを制作しています。これらのコンテンツでは,散在していた多元的なデータがまとめられ, デジタルアースにマッシュアップされています。過去の災いと,現在の我々が生きる時空間を重ね合わせ,できごとの全体像を実感とともに伝えることを企図しています。








War and disaster materials are important for inheriting the memories of past disasters to the future and making use of them in society. However, these materials that are accumulated in society day by day are still not fully utilized.

We are studying how to make the “stock” materials in society “flow”, and how to enhance the value of information and perpetuate memories of the past to the future through the communication that emerges from this “flow”.

“Pluralistic Digital Archives” and “Community of Memories”

We are producing a series of “Pluralistic Digital Archives” of war and disaster, including the “Hiroshima Archive”,“Satellite Images Map of Ukraine” and “Satellite Images Map of Turkey-Syria Earthquake”. In these contents, scattered pluralistic data are compiled and mashed up into the digital earth. By superimposing past disasters to today’s situation, we aim to convey a complete picture of the events with a sense of reality.

Furthermore, we are promoting the formation of “Community of memories,” bottom-up movements of disaster experiencers and citizens. Through the active involvement of people in the construction of the archives, we aim to share the memories of the past with the whole society and weave the stories for the future.

“Pluralistic Digital Archives” and “Community of Memories” will work in complementary ways to inherit the memories of the past to the future.

“Rebooting Memories”

The “Rebooting Memories” is an activity that creates spaces for dialogue through the colorization of black-and-white photographs, mainly from the prewar and postwar periods. The “Rebooting Memories”, a collaboration between Anju Niwata and Watanave, began in 2017 while Niwata was a student at a high school in Hiroshima City, and has continued to evolve.

The activity, initiated by Niwata in the former Nakajima district (now Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park), has been greatly expanded. The photographs recreate rich “colors” of the memories that have been resurrected through conversations with former residents. The colorized photographs, posted on a social-networking site by Watanave, are widely viewed, and many people join conversations regarding events related to the war.

In July 2020, we published the book “Rebooting Memories of Prewar & War Through Colorized Photographs in Collaboration with AI and Human,” which summarized the results of our activities up to that point.