東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


紀要・出版物 Bulletin & Publications


The III publishes a number of periodicals. At the time of the merger between the III and ISICS, the publications of the two institutions were consolidated and placed under a new editorial/publishing structure. The main publications are the Journal of Information Studies, Newsletter, Annual Report, and the III Book Series. Each publication has its own function while also being linked to the others as elements in the unified publishing activity of the III.


This journal contains mostly theoretical and critical research papers written by faculty members of the III and students enrolled in the GSII. Most of these are in Japanese (although English abstracts are provided). Reports on symposia and other events taking place at the III are also published in this journal.

Latest IssueNo.106(Mar 2024)
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思考の環Opening essay
遠藤 基郎Motoo Endo
中世日本の情報伝達媒体としての「折紙」"Origami" as a Medium of Information Transmission in Medieval Japan
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教員研究論文Faculty Papers
福島 真人Masato Fukushima
アート、テクノロジー、STS -新規テクノロジー型現代アートに関する理論的試論Art, Technology, and STS: A Theoretical Reflection on Technology-driven Contemporary Art
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並木 志乃、越塚 登Shino Namiki, Noboru Koshizuka
学校給食における地産地消の発展策と影響 -熊本県山江村の事例からProgress and Impacts of the Farm-to-School Project: The Case of Yamae Village, Kumamoto Prefecture
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永石 尚也Naoya Nagaishi
オンライン・ヘイトスピーチ規制の法内在的制約(2)-発語内的な規範設定の特質とその阻却可能性The Regulation of Hate Speech and Inherent Limitations (2): On the Nature of Illocutionary Norm-Enactment and Defeasibility
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粟生田 弓、酒井 麻千子Yumi Aota, Machiko Sakai
写真の著作権保護期間をめぐる議論 -戦後の著作権法全面改正と写真家の活動Photography & Copyright, 1950-1970: The Legislative Process and Photographers’ Activities regarding the Term of Copyright Protection for Photographic Works in the Comprehensive Reform of the Japanese Copyright Law
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小川 真理子Mariko Ogawa
学術・科学技術分野における女性研究者支援政策の現状と課題A Study of the Current Status and Challenges of Policies to Support Female Researchers in Academic, Scientific, and Technological Fields in Japan
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査読研究論文Refereed Papers
冷 君暁、唐井 梓Junxiao Leng, Azusa Karai
「悪」の団体を燃やす - Colabo に対するハラスメントにはたらくネットワーク· ミソジニーの論理Burn the “Bad” Organization: The Logic of Networked Misogyny in Harassment Against Colabo
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小平 沙紀Saki Kohira
韓国男性にみる美容実践と男性性の位相 -軍隊におけるコミュニケーションに注目してBeauty Practice and Phases of Masculinity among South Korean Men: Communication in the Military
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フィールド・レビューField Review
黒木 真理Mari Kuroki
北限のニホンウナギから気候変動を捉えるAn Approach to Understanding Climate Change from the Northern Limit of the Japanese Eel
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Latest IssueNo. 40 (2024年3月)
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教員研究論文Faculty Papers
小川真理子、川面 充子、 須賀 朋子OGAWA, Mariko KAWAZURA, Mitsuko SUGA, Tomoko
日本における婦人相談員の専門性と労働状況の課題 ―2022 年全国婦人相談員実態調査―The Current Situation and Issues of Professionalism and Working Conditions of Women’s Consultants in the Public Sector in Japan: A Nationwide Survey of Public Women’s Consultants in 2022
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齋藤さやか、安本 真也、関谷 直也SAITO, Sayaka YASUMOTO, Shinya SEKIYA, Naoya
地震動予測地図における確率表現のリスク認知 ―全国意識調査をもとにRisk Perception of Probability Expressions in the National Seismic Hazard Maps for Japan: Findings from the 2020 Survey
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This pamphlet is a concise introduction to the aims, organizational structure, and activities of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III) and the Graduate School in Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSII).

2020年4月(April 2020)
CONCEPT / コンセプト
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This quarterly publication contains information and news articles about activities happening at the III and GSII. Its purpose is to publicize these activities to a wider audience. Diverse contents include faculty interviews, news on research activities, reports of symposia, announcements of upcoming events and publications, and news about prizes received.

No.62 2024 Spring
・2023 日韓台シンポジウム"Meditating the World in the Digital Age: Politics and Culture of Technological Change"
・東京大学制作展2023 學藝運動
・第2回 MeDi-B'AIシンポジウム
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この情報学環・学際情報学府の統合報告書『III IR×IR×IR』は、東京大学全学の 統合報告書と同様に、情報学環・学際情報学府の研究や教育、社会連携の情報と財務情報を 有機的に結びつけ、特に、教員が取り組む産学連携プロジェクトを紹介し、 未来社会に向けて産学で協創するあらゆる方法を紹介するための年次報告書です。

The “III IR x IR x IR” of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies and Interdisciplinary Initiative in Information Studies, like the similarly named “IR x IR x IR” of the University of Tokyo, aims to organically link information on research, education, and social collaboration with financial information and to introduce all the ways we are collaborating to co-create a future society, especially show-casing industry-academia collaborations advanced by our faculty members.

東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 統合報告書(III IR x IR x IR 2022)
P.02 『III IR×IR×IR』について
P.04 目次
P.06 学環長からのメッセージ
P.08 情報学環と学際情報学府
P.10 情報学環との連携
P.12 Project 01 NTTドコモ×中尾彰宏教授
P.14 Project 02 マイナビ×山内祐平教授
P.16 Project 03 帝国データバンク×渡邉英徳教授
P.18 Project 04 日本IBM×須藤修名誉教授・中尾彰宏教授
P.20 Project 05 千葉市×大庭幸治准教授
P.22 Project 06 ソフトバンク×林香里教授
P.24 学際情報学府のプログラム
P.26 研究テーマと教員
P.28 データで見る情報学環・学際情報学府
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