東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

教員 Faculty


山口 いつ子



  • 社会情報学コース
  • アジア情報社会コース


  • 情報法・情報政策、表現・情報の自由、プライバシー・個人情報保護、知的財産権、グローバル・プロアクティブ・フェアネス
  • 情報法・情報政策ー「表現・データ・知の価値とデザインを統治する法」の共創に向けて
  • Socio-information and communication studies course
  • ITASIA program

Research Theme

  • Information Law and Policy, Freedom of Expression/Information, Privacy, Data Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, Global Proactive Fairness
  • Co-creative Information Law and Policy: Governing Values and Designs relating to Data, Expression, and Knowledge
III Faculty (Core & Mobile)











・Born in 1968. Left the Doctoral Program of Graduate School of Sociology, The University of Tokyo in 1994 to be appointed as Research Associate, Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, The University of Tokyo. Promoted to Associate Professor in 1998. Appointed as Associate Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo in 2000. Promoted to Professor in 2012. Assistant to the University President in 2015-2016. Vice Dean in 2016-2020.

・Conducted visiting research at Harvard Law School for one year in 1999-2000, and at Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre for another year in 2007-2008. Visiting Professor, Duke University School of Law, February-March 2013. Senior Michigan Grotius Research Scholar, the University of Michigan Law School, the Fall 2016.

・Ph.D. in Socio-Information Studies (The University of Tokyo)


For Selected Bibliography, Research Projects, and Awards, please see the following webpage:

Research in III

Centennial Strategic Research Initiatives

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(1) 情報法・情報政策とは?

この分野は、日本において、比較法的に見ても独特な発展の軌跡を辿ってきました。すなわち、日本の情報法とは、特に1960年代以降の社会の情報化・デジタル化・グローバル化に伴い発展した、情報にかかわる多彩な法を、一つの法分野として体系化する構想(コンセプト)と言えます。こうした情報法のコンセプトは、動態的です(例えば、『情報法の構造』 http://www.utp.or.jp/book/b306095.html をご覧ください)。


(2) 情報の多義性、越境性、権力性

そもそも情報は、多義的です。物理的制約をもつ有体物と比較すれば、情報は、無体・無形であり、国境をも軽やかに越える、本来的に自由な流れ(フロー)に特徴づけられます。情報という言葉は、言論・表現、新旧のメディア、コミュニケーションの場面に限らず、人間のあらゆる認知作用や知的営為も含む、広い意味での「知」の文脈でも用いられます。さらに、情報は、それが数字で表現されるデジタル方式や、電子計算機(コンピュータ)で処理されるデータ形式での越境的な流れが拡大する今日、その権力としての本質を、ますます露わにしています(例えば、「情報権力分立」 https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/manage/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/101_3.pdf 、また、公法研究83号(2022年)147-160・173-175・317-318頁をご覧ください)。


(3) 情報法・情報政策に期待される役割

法は、それ自体が規範であるとともに、国家による強制力に裏付けられた手段でもあります。情報と法が結びつくとき、目指すべき価値を実現し、個別具体的な問題を解決し、さらに社会全体に変化を促す、強力な手段となります。そしてまた、科学・技術の発展に伴い、社会環境が急激に変化し、人々の規範意識が変われば、これまでの法制度の在り方にも抜本的な改革が迫られます。時代に応じた新たな権利のデザインも必要となります(例えば、A Japanese Equivalent of the “Right to Be Forgotten”: Unveiling Judicial Proactiveness to Curb Algorithmic Determinism https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-33512-0_15 をご覧ください)。このような技術革新と社会変革のダイナミズムに正面から向き合うのが、情報法・情報政策に期待される役割であり、その研究の醍醐味でもあります。


(4) 進学を考えている皆様へ


(1)Information Law and Policy

This field has followed a relatively unique path of development in Japan. The dynamic concept of “information law” has been in the process of formation since the 1960s in response to social trends surrounding digitalization and globalization. Further details are explained in my book, Johoho no Kozo (The Architecture of Information Law).


(2)Diversity, Border Transgression, and Power

Information is diverse by nature. Lacking the restrictions of physical objects, information flows easily across borders. Information is not confined to traditional forms of expression, media or communication but extends to all areas of human cognition and intellectual endeavor. Furthermore, its relation to the exercise of power is becoming increasingly evident as the use of digitalized information spreads to ever more areas of life. I explain this more in my article, “Joho Kenryoku Bunritsu” (Separation of Information Powers).


(3)The Future Role of Information Law and Policy

Law is both a set of norms and an instrument backed by state authority. When law is combined with information, it becomes an even more powerful instrument for realizing norms, solving individual problems, and reforming society. As science and technology advance, radical changes to the social environment and social norms have necessitated fundamental reform of the legal system. Legal rights must be designed in a way that suits the age in which we live. (As an example, please see “A Japanese Equivalent of the ‘Right to Be Forgotten’: Unveiling Judicial Proactiveness to Curb Algorithmic Determinism” https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-33512-0_15) The role and essence of information law and policy studies is precisely to meet these challenges head-on.


(4)To those considering applying

The process of theorizing information law is an ongoing task. It is a cooperative project that seeks to create legal frameworks governing the values and design of expression, data, and knowledge for a freer and fairer society. I look forward to sharing this important and fascinating project with you all.

(Written by Prof. Itsuko Yamaguchi; Translated by David C. Buist)