東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


May 20, 2021

「センテニアル戦略研究イニシアティブス−−キックオフ・ワークショップ」開催報告Centennial Strategic Research Initiatives: A Kickoff Workshop





1. 目黒 公郎 教授「総合的な災害マネジメントの立案と実践:有限な資源の効率的活用の視点から」


2. 渡邉 英徳 教授「記憶の解凍」


3. Professor Itsuko Yamaguchi, “Algorithmatizing Fairness against Algorithmic Bias: Centennial Perspectives on the Future of AI-driven Global Data Governance”

After having pointed out inherent difficulties in quantifying “fairness” to fix the “bias” problem in black-box proprietary algorithms, we need a renewed centennial commitment to interdisciplinary and independent research collaboration in order to define what we value, to make policy choices explicitly, and to codify them proactively into various decision-making and governance systems including AI, in such a way as to be “meaningfully” accessible, understandable, verifiable, and contestable by all.


On December 28th 2020, which was the last working day before the New Year Holiday in the centennial year of the III/GSII, a workshop was held to develop strategic thinking about the future of research in this organization.

The roots of the University of Tokyo can be traced as far back as the year 1685. The III/GSII came into existence against the backdrop of this long history, thanks to the unique and precious efforts of people in numerous organizations, and has arrived at its present form through an ongoing process of reform.

Picking up on this long history of interdisciplinary collaboration, the workshop was designed as an occasion for faculty members to share the contents and appeal of their own research topics and to stimulate discussion on how to further advance interdisciplinary collaboration in the future. As indicated in its title, this workshop sought to bring together multiple research initiatives in a diverse and highly productive strategic alliance while also recognizing and celebrating their different origins and unique appeal. It took a longer term perspective looking forward to the many future milestones that are still to come, such as the quadranscentennial in another 25 years, the trigentennial 30 years from now, the quadragennial 40 years hence, or even looking another 100 or more years into the future to the bicentennial, tricentennial or quadricentennial.

In the first “Discussion” section of the workshop, we exchanged opinions on how to advance interdisciplinary collaboration and how to make such collaboration visible in the publication of the results. Ideas and wisdom were exchanged on how research results are evaluated in different fields of research, how evaluation criteria can be made more explicit, and how existing frameworks can be exceeded to encourage especially younger researchers and students to become active on research frontiers. Through this discussion, we learned of instances where the subsidiary-advisor system of the GSII has contributed to research collaboration and how online tools have been used to promote collaboration, among many other instructive cases.

The second half of the workshop was devoted to individual research presentations by three faculty members (delivered in Japanese or English). Their respective titles and a summary of their relation to the topic of research collaboration is given below.
1.  Professor Kimiro Meguro, “Planning and Practice for Integrated Disaster Management: from the Perspective of Efficient Usage of Limited Resources”

Effective disaster management planning and practice require the cooperation of people from multiple sectors of society. Based on this insight, in addition to publishing papers in specialized fields, I have visited nearly one hundred countries to develop interventions initiating systems for disaster countermeasures close to the needs of local residents.  I also introduced methodologies for making organizations’ activities visible and thinking strategically about resource distribution.

2.  Professor Hidenori Watanave, “Rebooting Memories”

Various collaborations have come about through “expressive technologies” such as the use of digital earth mapping systems and the application of artificial intelligence for the colorization of monochrome photographs.  It is particularly important for innovative ideas and practices initiated by young people (including high-school and university students) to be developed by those with more experience.

3.  Professor Itsuko Yamaguchi, “Algorithmatizing Fairness against Algorithmic Bias: Centennial Perspectives on the Future of AI-driven Global Data Governance”

After having pointed out inherent difficulties in quantifying “fairness” to fix the “bias” problem in black-box proprietary algorithms, we need a renewed centennial commitment to interdisciplinary and independent research collaboration in order to define what we value, to make policy choices explicitly, and to codify them proactively into various decision-making and governance systems including AI, in such a way as to be “meaningfully” accessible, understandable, verifiable, and contestable by all.

The workshop continued for much longer than its originally allotted two hours. It was therefore decided to hold such workshops periodically in the future, creating a win-win situation for both our individual research and the activities of the organization as a whole. In the next workshop, to be held on the topic of “Collaboration Design”, we plan to deepen our discussions and share ideas and practical experience for the expansion of collaborative work in the III/GSII, rather than being limited to “research presentations” in the traditional sense. In this way, our aim is to bring together multiple research initiatives in a diverse and highly productive strategic alliance for the future.

Text:Itsuko Yamaguchi (Professor, Workshop Organizer)
English translation:David C. Buist (Senior project specialist)