October 29, 2016
日韓シンポジウム(2016) “20th Anniversary of SNU-UT International Symposium: Past, Present and Future”2016 SNU-UT Symposium "20th Anniversary of SNU-UT International Symposium: Past, Present and Future"
Date: Oct. 28-29, 2016
Venue: IBK Communication Center, Seoul National University
Participant & Program:
Special Session Past & Future of SNU-UT Symposium
Osamu SAKURA/佐倉統 (UT)
“A Short Profile of Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies: Past, Present, and Future”
Chul joo LEE/이철주 (SNU)
“Looking Back and Moving Forward”
“Reflection on the Workshop 2015: ‘How to Organize Future Collaboration?'”
Faculty Session
Kyungjin Ha/河炅珍 (UT)
“Electricity and PR: An Analysis of TEPCO Graph”
Yukio MAEDA/前田幸男 (UT)
“The Influence of Prime Minister on Voting Decision in Japan 1976-2009”
Joonhwan LEE/이준환 (SNU)
“Robot Journalism Research: Algorithmic Approach to News Reporting”
Kyu Sup HAHN/한규섭 (SNU)
“Can We Get Along?: An Assessment of How Koreans and Japanese Truly Feel toward Each Other”
Student Session 1
Kyounga JIN (UT)
“Representations of Sexual Minorities on Japanese Television: Focusing on Matsuko Deluxe”
Sojeog PARK (SNU)
“Misogyny in Hell-Joseon”
Samuel HOLDEN (UT)
“Spaces of Bathing in Postwar Tokyo: From Communal Heterotopia to Consumer Paradise”
Student Session 2
Joon-Mo PARK (SNU)
“Semantic Network Analysis of the Public Perception: A Computer-Assisted Text Analysis of the Fine Dust Issue in Online Portal Websites”
Smadar KATAN (UT)
“Tokyo Trains: Relations between Travelers, the Gaze and Advertisements”
“Landscape of Emoticon Usage Pattern: Motivation of Using Emoticon Stickers in Mobile Messaging”
Student Session 3
Seulgi JANG (SNU)
“How Newspapers Framed the THAAD: Three Different Perspectives in South Korea, Japan and China”
Lilian TSAY (UT)
“In Search of Good Food: Japanese Culinary Tourism to Korea and Taiwan”
Hyungeun Rhee (SNU)
“Korean Wave as a Transnational Genre: Comparative Study of Genre Formation with Japanese Manga and Korean Wave”
Student Session 4
Chen FEI (UT)
“Photography, Death, and Identity: The Construction of War Memory at Yushukan Museum”
Sang-Hyuk LEE (SNU)
“Game Play as Media Use: Shift to ‘How They Play’ from ‘What They Play'”
“The Analysis of Role of Exhibitions in the Cultural Diplomacy: The Relationship between Museums and Popular Culture”
Read more about symposium 2016
Annual Report
1996: The Frontline of Communication Research
1997: The Status and Implications of Informatization of Society in Korea and Japan
1998: Changing Structure of Culture and Communication in Highly Informatized Society
1999: How Shall our Communication Field Confront 21 Century? Its Preparedness in Korea and Japan
2001: Communication between Japan and Korea
2002: A New Direction of Media Studies in Korea and Japan
2003: Digital Civil Society and Communication Studies
2004: Media, Culture, and Politics in the Age of Digitalization
2005: 日韓情報メディア社会の諸相 한일 정보미디어사회의 제국면
2006: 뉴미디어 시대의 개인, 사회, 국가와 문화 ニューメディア時代の個人、社會、家族と文化
2007: The New Trends of Socio-information in East Asia
2008: Era of Digital Convergence and Institutional/Cultural Changes of Public Broadcasting
2009: Mapping the Spaces of Media Culture in Asia:Information, Communication and Politics
2010: New Directions on Journalism and Media Studies
2011: The New Landscape of Global Network in East Asia:Social Network, Media/Popular Culture, and Journalism
2012: Social Media and Public Communication
2013: Participatory Culture and Technology
2014: Media and Communitas in the Digital Era
2015: Digital Humanities
2016: 20th Anniversary of SNU-UT International Symposium: Past, Present and Future
2017: Media in Globalized Asia