東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


November 13, 1999

日韓シンポジウム(1999) “How Shall our Communication Field Confront 21 Century? Its Preparedness in Korea and Japan”1999 SNU-UT Symposium "How Shall our Communication Field Confront 21 Century? Its Preparedness in Korea and Japan"

Date:Nov. 12-13, 1999
Venue:Etoiles Room, Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University

Participant & Program:

Session 1 Key Speeches
“How Shall Our Communication Field Confront 21 Century? Its Preparedness in Japan”

Hyeon Dew KANG/강현두 (SNU)
“How Shall Our Communication Field Confront 21 Century? Its Preparedness in Korea”


Session 2 Discussion
Chair: Kwang Yung CHOO/추광영 (SNU)
Discussant: Bae Keun CHA/차배근 (SNU), Osamu HIROI/廣井脩 (UT), Hyeon Dew KANG/강현두 (SNU), Myungkoo KANG/강명구 (SNU), Shin MIZUKOSHI/水越伸 (UT), Myung Jin PARK/박명진 (SNU), Sung Gwan PARK/박승관 (SNU), Seung-Mock YANG/양승목 (SNU)