東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


November 11, 2011

日韓シンポジウム(2011) “The New Landscape of Global Network in East Asia: Social Network, Media/Popular Culture, and Journalism”2011 UT-SNU Symposium "The New Landscape of Global Network in East Asia: Social Network, Media/Popular Culture, and Journalism"

Date: Nov. 10-11, 2011
Venue: Yamanaka-Ryo Naito Seminer House (Yamanashi Prefecture), The University of Tokyo

Participant & Program:

Faculty Session 1  Social Change and Media/Communication Studies
Myungkoo KANG/강명구 (SNU)
“Rethinking the Crisis of Respublica in South Korea”

Hidetaka ISHIDA/石田英敬 (UT)
“Catastrophe and Media”

Kari-Hans KOMMONEN (Alto University)
“A Design Point of View to Society and Everyday Life”


Faculty Session 2  Media and Social Diversity
Jason G. KARLIN (UT)
“Through a Looking Glass Darkly: Television Advertising, Idols and the Making of Fan Audiences in Japan”

Akiko TAKEYAMA/竹山明子 (UT)
“Temporality of Future-Oriented Aspiration in Tokyo Host Clubs and New Millennial Japan”

June Woong RHEE/이준웅 (SNU)
“Social Impacts of Public Service Broadcasting News in Japan and Korea”


Student Session 1   Social Network, Technology, and Communication
Yeweon KIM (SNU)
“Appropriateness of Microblog as Social Media: Exploring Experience-Based Perception of Users”

Sanghoon LIM (UT)
“Consideration on Roles and Features of Bridge and Social Capital in Social Network”

Chankyun KIM, Sungjoong KIM (SNU)
“Analysis of Korean Twitter Users’ Hyperlink Tweets”


Student Session 2  Discourse, Representation, and Media
“The 1970s Panda Boom and the Image of the New People’s Republic of China”

“Discourse in Chinese Movies”

Sunyoung KWAK (UT)
“A Comparison of Korean and Japanese TV News Coverage: The Case of Korean Girl Band KARA’s Disbanding Scandal”


Student Session 3  The Formation of Media/Communication Culture
Marohan MIN (SNU)
“A Study on the Korean Byeon-Sa as a Moderator of Early Movie Experience”

“Scandals as Secular Rituals in the Process of Social Control”

Motohiko AKAZAKI (SNU)
“Popularization of Internet Use through Cellular Phones: Comparative Study between Korea and Japan”


Session 4  The Internet and Active Users of Media
“Dimensions of the Cyber City in Jimbocho”

Seong In CHOI (SNU)
“Effect of Online News Site and Portal News Service Usage Pattern on Political Socialization and Opinion Quality”

Alexandra HAMBLETON (UT)
“The Online is Personal: Online Media, Women and Sexuality in Japan”


Session 5  Media, Politics, and Society
Vinicius de Aguiar FURUIE (UT)
“‘Stop Nuclear Power, Change the World!’: The Dynamics of Antinuclear Social Movement in Contemporary Tokyo”

Yezi YEO (UT)
“Media, Public Opinion and the Representation of the Japanese Self- Defense Forces”

GE Xing (UT)
“News Framing as Structural Coupling: Looking at Discourses about Divine Punishment in Mass Media”


Session 6  Media, Communication, and Everyday Life
“Works and Intimacy Mediated by Mobile Phone: A Case Study of Sales Men and Women”

Hui Shan Michelle HO (UT)
“Is Nadeshiko Japan ‘Feminine’? Engendering the Social Identity of Female Audiences in Morning Wide-Show Programs”

Kyung-eun (Kay) KWON (SNU)
“Effects of Expertise and Similarity upon Conformity in Taste Domains: Normative Social Influence in Computer-Mediated Communication”