東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


November 17, 2007

日韓シンポジウム(2007) “The New Trends of Socio-information in East Asia”2007 UT-SNU Symposium "The New Trends of Socio-information in East Asia"

Date:Nov. 16-17, 2007
Venue:The University of Tokyo

Participant & Program:

Faculty Session 1 The Socio-Politics of Media Society
Gabriella COREMAN (New York University)
“The View from Computer Hacking: (New) Media Technologies and the (Older) Ethics of Liberalism”

Sang Jung KANG/姜尙中 (UT)
“Media and Politics in Northeast Asia”


Faculty Session 2 Communication, Body and the Media
Aram SINNREICH, Mark LATONERO, Marissa GLUCK (New York University)
“Remix Goes Mainstream: Emerging Attitudes about the Reappropriation of Media Content”

Sugmin YOUN/윤석민 (SNU)
“The Structure of Social Communication and Changes in Media”


Faculty Session 3 The Information Environment in East Asia
Joong Seek LEE/이중식 (SNU)
“Dis-Accoustic Behavior Analysis of Internet Radio Player: Case of KBS Kong”

Hideyuki TANAKA/田中秀幸, Masahiro FUJIWARA/藤原正弘 (UT)
“An Analysis of the Business Structure in Japan’s Mobile Internet”


Student Session 1 TV Politics
Takahiro KAWAZU (UT)
“‘Sex and the City’ and its Female White-Collar Audience in Tokyo: An Ethnography and Sociological Analysis”

Alexandra HAMBELTON (UT)
“The Near, the Far and the even Further: Images of Foreign Celebrities on Japanese Television”

Jee Yun OH, Sung Dong CHO (SNU)
“Channel-Repertoire Compositions and Characteristics in a Multi-Channel Era: Using an AGB Nielsen People-Meter Date in Korea”

Ji Hyeon KIM (SNU)
“Estimating Program Characteristics and Consumer Preferences: Using the AGB Nielsen People-Meter Data”

Jung Min KWON (SNU)
“Construction of Gender Identity in the Commodity Feminism: Case Study of the Korean Woman-Targeting Channel ‘Onstyle'”


Student Session 2 Information/Communication
Alice E MARWICK (New York University)
“L33t Phreaks and Power Sellers: Locating Status in Social Media”

Takashi KASHIMA (UT)
“The Design of What?: Possibilities of the Communication Design and Difficulties of the Media Literacy”

Nami OHI (UT)
“Cognition as Communication: The Accursed Share by Georges Bataille as a Contribution to the Study of Fundamental Informatics”

Mengyu LI (UT)
“A Comparison Study of Chinese Journalism Education in the Period of Emergence and Early Development (1919-1949) and in the Period of Market Economy (1990-Today)”


Student Session 3 Online Communication
Ye Rheen HA, Seol KI, Soo Ah KIM (SNU)
“Discussion on the Discourse of ‘User-Created Contents’ in South Korea”

“Towards Europeanized National Public Spheres in Romania and Italy: The Online Journalism between Rationalization Predictions and Xenophobia”

David PARISI (New York University)
“Playing the Interface: Video Games as Bodily Habit”


Student Session 4 Media History
Jun ABE (UT)
“Grave as a Medium: From the Perspective of Japanese ‘Soutai’ Culture”

Jeong-Rae KWAK (SNU)
“The Formation of the Historical Recognition and Media Disclosure about Dislocated North Koreans in South Korea”

Sungmin LEE (SNU)
“Characteristics of a Missionary Radio in the Cold War Era: Focusing on CBS (Christian Broadcasting System), 1954~1960”

“Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima: Image, Reproduction, Difference”