東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


November 14, 2015

日韓シンポジウム(2015) “Digital Humanities”2015 UT-SNU Symposium "Digital Humanities"

Date: Nov. 13-14, 2015
Venue: Yamanaka-Ryo Naito Seminer House (Yamanashi Prefecture), The University of Tokyo

Participant & Program:

Faculty Session
Chul joo LEE/이철주 (SNU)
“Associations between Beliefs about E-Cigarettes and Public Support for Regulating E-Cigarettes”

Kaori HAYASHI/林香里 (UT)
“Where Do We Go?: Japan’s Non-Digital Journalism under the Abe Administration”

Kyungjin HA/河炅珍 (UT)
“Postwar Japan and PR Films: Scientific Technology and Economic Dream”

Kyu Sup HAHN/한규섭 (SNU)
“Viewing’ on Televised Debate Viewer’ Candidate Evaluation: Bandwagon or Underdog Effects?”

Osamu SAKURA/佐倉統 (UT)
“Science as a Culture”

Student Session 1
Andreas ÆGIDIUS (UT)
“Immaterial Music Formats at the Intersection of Downloading and Streaming Practices”

Hyunjung HWANG (SNU)
“Media Use for Interaction and Life Satisfaction”

Jihee KIM (SNU)
“Research on the Opinion Leader in Online Public Sphere and their Social Influences”

“Creative Space for Citizens”

“‘Asia’ in 1990’s Japan: Asian Pops Boom in 1990’s Japan”

Sehwa HUH (SNU)
“Professionalism in Korean Journalism: Gap between the Academia and the Industry”

Youngrim KIM (SNU)
“The Construction of Ebola Narrative: Comparative Visual Analysis of Ebola Images on U.S. Newspapers and Twitter”

Student Session 2

Beeah KANG (SNU)
“The Knowledge Gap Hypothesis in the Context of Stomach Cancer: Examining Cognitive and Social Mechanisms of the Theory”

Hyelim LEE (SNU)
“Partisan Selective Followership on Twitter over Time: A Test of the Depolarization Hypothesis”

Machiko TANAKA (UT)
“Activities of Female Film Director in the Independent Filmmaking Scene of Japan”

“The Process of Developing Theatrical Environment in a Provincial City: Case of Tsu City in Mie Prefecture”

Seulgi JANG (SNU)
“Survivors of the Nomination Game in the Era of Media Politics: The Effect of Positioning Strategies”

Sojeong PARK (SNU)
“A Portrait of the Youth in Love: Korean Romantic Comedy since 2008”