東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


November 8, 2014

日韓シンポジウム(2014) “Media and Communitas in the Digital Era”2014 SNU-UT Symposium "Media and Communitas in the Digital Era"

Date: Nov. 7-8, 2014
Venue: IBK Communication Center, Seoul National University

Participant & Program:

Faculty Session
Chul joo LEE/이철주 (SNU)
“The Role of Social Capital in Health Communication”

Jason G. Karlin (UT)
“Precarious Consumption after 3.11: Television Advertising in Risk Society”


Student Session 1
Masahiro SHOJI (UT)
“The Media History of Typewriters in Modern Japan: One Historical Approach to Understand Contemporary Digital Media”

Soonwook CHOI (SNU)
“Representation of Governmental Mechanism in Computer Games: A Case of <Romance of Three Kingdoms 3>”

“Why People Give Toys as Gifts?: Media Study on Toy Culture in Japan”

Hyunjung HWANG (SNU)
“Shared Joy is Double Joy and Shared Sorrow is Half-Sorrow: Emotion Regulation in Social Networking Services”

“The Third Type of Public Diplomacy”

“Designing Partnership between Local Community and Artists: Case Study of Artist-In-Residence Program Using Regional Theatre”

Student Session 2
Mengfei PAN (UT)
“Digital Platform as a Tool to Develop and Strengthen Museum Community: A Case Study of the ‘Teen’s Curator’ Workshop at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum”

Ka Young Chung (SNU)
“The Soft Power of Hallyu, the Korean Wave, in North Korea”

Gukchin SONG (UT)
“NP Hotel, My Home and Playground: Hotels, Boarding Houses, and Asian Immigrants’ Prewar Experience in Seattle, US”

Won-sik RYU (SNU)
“Who Does Speak More?: Analyzing Opinion Expression in Political Ideology Based on Moral Belief”

Joshua Michael CADER (UT)
“Social Media Manipulation and Anti-Foreign Protest as Diplomatic Tool”

Eugene CHO (SNU)
“The Effects of Other-Directed Facebook Use on Perceived Social Support”

“A Framing Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of GM Issue in China”