October 3, 2003
日韓シンポジウム(2003) “Digital Civil Society and Communication Studies”2003 UT-SNU Symposium "Digital Civil Society and Communication Studies"
Date:Oct. 3-4, 2003
Venue:Yayoi Auditorium, Ichijo Hall, The University of Tokyo
Participant & Program:
Session 1 Socio-Information and Communication Studies: Past Achievements and Future Tasks
Tatsuro HANADA/花田達朗 (UT)
“Undercurrents and Developments of Socio-Information and Communication Studies”
Shohei YONEMOTO/米本昌平 (UT)
“Information and the Deconstruction/Reconstruction of Learning”
“Socio-Information and Communication Studies from the Perspective of Boundary Crossing between the Humanities and Natural Sciences”
Sung Gwan PARK/박승관 (SNU)
“The Modernization Process and the Distortions of the Social Communication-World in Korea”
Session 2 Information Networks and the Transformation of the State
Junichi HAMADA/濱田純一 (SNU)
“Information Society, Constitutional Order, and the State”
Sang Jung KANG/姜尚中 (UT)
“Network Power and the Digital Information Society: the Future of Sovereignty and the State”
“The Transformation of Society through Ubiquitous Computing”
Session 3 NPOs and Digital Network Society
Osamu SUDOH/須藤修 (UT)
“The Role of NPOs in the Socio-Economic System”
Shiro HARADA /原田至郎 (UT)
“Digital Opportunity: with Special Reference to the Problems of Encoding the Khmer Script”
Sugmin YOUN/윤석민 (SNU)
“The Challenges of New Communication Technologies to the Basic Directions of Cultural Policies”
Session 4 Cyber-Space: Transformations and Tasks for the Future
Yoshiaki HASHIMOTO/橋元良明 (UT)
“The Internet and Changes to Lifestyle Rhythms and Communication Patterns”
Akihiro KITADA/北田暁大 (UT)
“Internet Bulletin Board Services and Youth Culture in Contemporary Japan”
Itsuko YAMAGUCHI/山口いつ子 (UT)
“The Architectural Style of ‘Cyber Law'”
Annual Report
1996: The Frontline of Communication Research
1997: The Status and Implications of Informatization of Society in Korea and Japan
1998: Changing Structure of Culture and Communication in Highly Informatized Society
1999: How Shall our Communication Field Confront 21 Century? Its Preparedness in Korea and Japan
2001: Communication between Japan and Korea
2002: A New Direction of Media Studies in Korea and Japan
2003: Digital Civil Society and Communication Studies
2004: Media, Culture, and Politics in the Age of Digitalization
2005: 日韓情報メディア社会の諸相 한일 정보미디어사회의 제국면
2006: 뉴미디어 시대의 개인, 사회, 국가와 문화 ニューメディア時代の個人、社會、家族と文化
2007: The New Trends of Socio-information in East Asia
2008: Era of Digital Convergence and Institutional/Cultural Changes of Public Broadcasting
2009: Mapping the Spaces of Media Culture in Asia:Information, Communication and Politics
2010: New Directions on Journalism and Media Studies
2011: The New Landscape of Global Network in East Asia:Social Network, Media/Popular Culture, and Journalism
2012: Social Media and Public Communication
2013: Participatory Culture and Technology
2014: Media and Communitas in the Digital Era
2015: Digital Humanities
2016: 20th Anniversary of SNU-UT International Symposium: Past, Present and Future
2017: Media in Globalized Asia