October 22, 2010
日韓シンポジウム(2010) “New Directions in Journalism and Media Studies”2010 SNU-UT Symposium "New Directions in Journalism and Media Studies"
Date:Oct. 21-22, 2010
Venue:Hee-Gwan Memorial Hall, College of Social Sciences, Seoul National University
Participant & Program:
Faculty Session 1
Eun-Mee KIM/김은미 (SNU)
“Exploring the Relationship between Internet Literacy and Family Background: Is Literacy Inherited?”
Shigeto SONODA /園田茂人 (UT)
“Emerging Socio-Cultural Approaches to Asian Regional Integration Research”
Faculty Session 2
Kaori HAYASHI/林香里 (UT)
“Emerging Socio-cultural Approaches to Asian Regional Integration Research”
Kyu Sup HAHN/한규섭(SNU)
“Cross-National Differences in Political Information: A Media Systems Perspective”
Student Session 1
Márcio Labes FUKUDA (UT)
“When News Goes Mobile: Effects of Innovation on the Gatekeeping of Content for Mobile Phones in Japan”
Ju Hyun LEE (SNU)
“Exploring SNS as a News Platform”
“Before Photojournalism: Lantern Slides of the Eruption of Mt. Bandai and the Currency of News Photography in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan”
Ming AI (SNU)
“Sporting Nationalism on Korean and Chinese Internet: A Content Analysis of BBS Posts on the 2010 Winter Olympics”
“‘Indirect Regulation’ of Online Speech: A Case Study of Regulation of Materials Harmful to Minors in Japan”
Soo Yun SHIN (SNU)
“Internet for the Internationals: Effects of Internet Use Motivations on International Students’ College Adjustment”
Ja-Young NAM (UT)
“Media Use and Nationalistic Attitude: A Cross-National Research in East Asia”
Student Session 2
Sang Hyuk LEE (SNU)
“A Study on Aggressiveness in MMORPG Play: Party Playing and Aggressiveness”
Jinhee LEE (UT)
“‘Zainichi’and Korean: A Discussion on the Identity and Language of J-Koreans”
Charang LEE (SNU)
“A Historical Analysis of the Effect of TV Drama OST”
Nami OHI (UT)
“An Analysis of the Emergence of a Haiku System from the Perspective of Neocybernetics”
Hana LEE (SNU)
“A Longitudinal Study on the Relation between Adolescents’ Computer Use Type and their Deviant Behaviors, the Deviance in Cyberspace”
Gukchin SONG (UT)
“Negotiating Identities: Passengers and State Surveillance on the Kanpu Ferry during the Interwar Period of Imperial Japan (1918-1937)”
So-Eun LEE (SNU)
“Body as Text: A Study of the Changing Perspectives on Human Body in the Digital Era”
Annual Report
1996: The Frontline of Communication Research
1997: The Status and Implications of Informatization of Society in Korea and Japan
1998: Changing Structure of Culture and Communication in Highly Informatized Society
1999: How Shall our Communication Field Confront 21 Century? Its Preparedness in Korea and Japan
2001: Communication between Japan and Korea
2002: A New Direction of Media Studies in Korea and Japan
2003: Digital Civil Society and Communication Studies
2004: Media, Culture, and Politics in the Age of Digitalization
2005: 日韓情報メディア社会の諸相 한일 정보미디어사회의 제국면
2006: 뉴미디어 시대의 개인, 사회, 국가와 문화 ニューメディア時代の個人、社會、家族と文化
2007: The New Trends of Socio-information in East Asia
2008: Era of Digital Convergence and Institutional/Cultural Changes of Public Broadcasting
2009: Mapping the Spaces of Media Culture in Asia:Information, Communication and Politics
2010: New Directions on Journalism and Media Studies
2011: The New Landscape of Global Network in East Asia:Social Network, Media/Popular Culture, and Journalism
2012: Social Media and Public Communication
2013: Participatory Culture and Technology
2014: Media and Communitas in the Digital Era
2015: Digital Humanities
2016: 20th Anniversary of SNU-UT International Symposium: Past, Present and Future
2017: Media in Globalized Asia