東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


November 14, 1997

日韓シンポジウム(1997) “The Status and Implications of Informatization of Society in Korea and Japan”1997 SNU-UT Symposium "The Status and Implications of Informatization of Society in Korea and Japan"

Date:Nov. 14, 1997
Venue:Rose Room, YuKong Guest House, Seoul National University

Participant & Program:

Session 1 Presentation
Yuji MASUDA/増田祐司 (UT)
“Information Literacy and Communications in the Information Age”

“The Development of Information Technologies and the Future of Japan’s Journalism: Comparative Study on Korea, U.S., and Japan”

Sung Gwan PARK/박승관 (SNU)
“Informatization in the Socio-political Context of Korean Society”

Kwang Yung CHOO/추광영 (SNU)
“The Status and Issues of Regional Informatization in Korea”


Session 2 General Discussion
Chair: Bae Keun CHA/차배근 (SNU)
Discussant: Hyeon Dew KANG/강현두 (SNU), Myung Jin PARK/박명진 (SNU), Myungkoo KANG/강명구 (SNU), Seung-Mock YANG/양승목 (SNU)