東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


October 30, 2009

日韓シンポジウム(2009) “Mapping the Spaces of Media Culture in Asia: Information, Communication and Politics”2009 UT-SNU Symposium "Mapping the Spaces of Media Culture in Asia: Information, Communication and Politics"

Date:Oct. 29-30, 2009
Venue:Fukutake Hall, The University of Tokyo

Participant & Program:

Session 1 Media Histories: From the Past to the Present
Keiko SAGA (UT)
“A New Process of Being a Popular Writer and its Effects: Case Study of a Writer Chiyoko Naito in 1910s”

“A Research on the Japanese Propaganda Films in 1920~1930s: Proletarian Cinema and National Policy Films”

“Toward an Archaeology of Screen Cultures: Theatrical Performance and Visual Projection in the 19th Century”


Session 2 Mobile Communication, Social Communities and Intimacy
Ban-Ya KIM (SNU)
“The Effect of Mobile Phone Use on Perceived Behavioral Control in Romantic Relationships: The Moderating Effect of Intimacy”

Hiroshi ADACHI (UT)
“Real-Time Search and Communication Site Comi-Ruba”

“Mapping Mobile Phone Communication in Tokyo”


Session 3 Responses to Globalization in East Asia
Shigeto SONODA (UT)
“Changing Dietary Cultures and Impacts of Globalizations in East Asia: Some Research Findings of Asia Barometer”

Chin-Chuan LEE (Hong Kong City University)
“Bound to Rise: Elite Chinese Media Discourse on the Global Order”


Session 4 Media, Form and Representation
Tessa MORRIS-SUZUKI (The Australian National University)
“Whose Film is This? Documentary Movies and Shared Memories in Asia”

Eun-Ju LEE (SNU)
“Effects of Readers’ Comments on Internet News Sites on the Construction of Social Reality: The Moderating Role of Need for Orientation”


Session 5 Policy, Framing, and Scandal in Media Politics
Hyun-Woo LEE, Seo-Young YOUK, Ho-Hyun LEE (SNU)
“Analysis of the Change Regarding External Social Network Patterns among Broadcasting Policy Actors: A Comparative Study of the Roh Moo-Hyun and Lee Myung-Bak Governments through Social Network Analysis (SNA)”

Jeong-Rae KWAK (SNU)
“News Media Framing of the Issue of North Korean Defectors During the Kim Dae-joong and Roh Moo-hyun Governments: Comparing Conservative and Progressive News Media”

“Conflict Space Where Media and Politics Meet: Mediation of Scandal in Japanese Media, Its Mechanisms and Examples”


Session 6 Body, Image and Representation
So-Eun LEE (SNU)
“Digital Body, Constructed Human: A Study of the Representation of Human and Post-Humanism in the Drama Series CSI”

“Construction of ‘Image of Illness’ and ‘Illness as Image’”

Deok Hyeong HA (SNU)
“The Effect of Using Images in an Online Debate”


Session 7 Transnational and Cross-Cultural Media
Mynjung KIM (SNU)
“Enjoyment Derived from the Narrative Structure of American Television Drama: An Audience Analysis of ‘Grey’s Anatomy'”

Hyeshin KIM (SNU)
“The Adaptation of the Japanese Comic Book Publishing Model in South Korea and its Effects on the Korean Comics Production System: A Case Study of Weekly IQ Jump from 1988-2000”

Ja-Young NAM (UT)
“Entertaining ‘America’ Transnationally: Live Entertainment for the U.S. Military in Japan and Korea”


Session 8 Media and Language in the Mobilization and Management of Political Crises
Kaori HAYASHI, Yuko MANABE, Misook LEE, Makoto INOUE (UT)
“The Gwangju Uprising in Korea: Rethinking the Role and Efficacy of the Transnational Advocacy Network in East Asia”

Ah-Hyun PARK, Nam Jun KANG (SNU)
“The Study on Rhetoric of President Myungbak Lee and Former President Moohyun Roh in Political Crisis: Using a Computerized Text Analysis Program”


Session 9 Dislocation and Change in the Media and Labor Markets
Dae-min PARK (SNU)
“The Growth of Business Newspapers as an Indication of the Change in South Korean Developmentalist Mentality after the 1998 Currency Crisis: The Case of the Maeil Business Newspaper”

“Maid Cafes: Ethnography of Affective Labor”

Sung Dong CHO (SNU)
“Effects of Program Preference and Genre Loyalty on Audience’s Political Knowledge and Political Efficacy”