東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

June 5, 2016

平成29年度東京大学大学院学際情報学府入試説明会のお知らせOrientation for the entrance examination of the graduate school of interdisciplinary information studies, the University of Tokyo

日時:2016年6月5日(日)13:00 – 17:00



12:30 開場
13:00-13:30 学際情報学府・情報学環 全体説明

13:30-14:35 学環・学府 各コース紹介

14:35-14:50 休憩

14:50-15:15 大学院生のプロフィール&就職・進学情報

15:15-15:45 2017(平成29)年度入試説明

15:45-16:00 休憩

16:00-17:00 各研究室のブース展示と研究紹介

お問い合せ先:東京大学大学院情報学環・学際情報学府 学務係
(TEL) 03-5841-8769
(URL) https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/

Sunday, June 5, 2016, 13:00-17:00
B2 floor, Fukutake Hall, Hongo Campus

12:30  Opening
13:00-13:30  General Introduction to the III/GSII
(Dean Osamu Sakura, Head of Department Akihiro Nakao)
The dean and head of department will explain the overall educational approach of the III/GSII.

13:30-14:35  Introductions to the Graduate Programs
(Program leaders)
Four graduate programs are included in this event: Socio-information and communication studies, Cultural and human studies, Emerging design and informatics, and Applied computer science. The leaders of each program will outline the education and research contents of their respective program and describe the type of students they hope to recruit.

14:35-14:50  Break

14:50-15:15  Information on Current Students and the Careers of Graduates
(Academic Affairs Division)
In order to give an idea about the character of the existing student body, staff from the Academic Affairs Division will present data on the academic backgrounds and present studies of those currently enrolled, as well as the post-graduation careers of those who have already left and moved on to jobs or further study.

15:15-15:45  Information on the Entrance Examination and Selection Process
(Faculty and Administrative Staff)
Basic information will be given on the application and selection process. (However, prospective applicants are urged to read carefully the details published on the GSII website: https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/admissions)

15:45-16:00   Break

16:00-17:00  Individual Faculty Exhibition Booths and Introductions
(Faculty and Current Students)
Participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss directly with faculty members, currently enrolled students and staff in each laboratory and research division.