東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

January 29, 2019

ワークショップ:ストップ、キャンパス性暴力!(1/29 Tue 14:00~)Workshop: "Stop Sexual Violence on Campus!" (1/29 Tue 14:00~)

(Please scroll down for information in English)

(Workshop: Stop Sexual Violence on Campus!)




アダム・R・ダッジ弁護士(Adam R. Dodge)

矢口祐人 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授(専門分野:アメリカ研究)
キム・ユニス(Eunice K. Kim) 韓国梨花女子大学校法学専門大学院教授
鈴木由真 東京大学大学院教育学研究科博士課程
渕上貴史 創価大学学生
春藤優 早稲田大学学生
横井桃子 上智大学学生

【第一部】林香里 東京大学大学院情報学環教授
【第二部】ミーシャ・ケード(Misha Cade) 上智大学学生


  1. アメリカにおける性暴力防止のシステムと制度を学びます。
  2. アクティビズムがいかに人々に気づきをもたらし、キャンパスにおける性暴力予防システムにつなげることができるかを学びます。
  3. 日本の大学における性暴力の実態について考えます。

14:00   開会挨拶:林香里(東京大学大学院情報学環教授)

【第一部 「学ぶ」セッション】

14:10   アダム・R・ダッジ弁護士講演
“Sexual Violence Prevention on College Campuses: Challenges & Successes”(「大学キャンパスでの性暴力防止について:課題と成果」)

14:40   韓国および日本の大学からのコメント(矢口祐人教授、キム・ユニス教授)
15:10   質疑応答とディスカッション
15:30   休憩

【第二部 ディスカッション・セッション】

15:40   東京大学における性暴力の現状(鈴木由真)
16:00   日本の大学でのアクション:創価大学(渕上貴史)、早稲田大学(春藤優)、上智大学(横井桃子)
16:25   討論:「大学を変え、大学で性暴力を止めるために、私たちに何かできるのか?」
17:05   ダッジ弁護士とキム・ユニス教授、矢口祐人教授からのコメント
17:15   閉会&懇談会


  • MeDi メディア表現におけるダイバーシティ向上を目指す産学共同抜本的検討会議
  • Meridian180, Buffet Institute for Global Studies, Northwestern University
  • 一般社団法人ちゃぶ台返し女子アクション
  • 「とっとこ」ジェンダームーブメント(東京大学学生サークル)

  • 入場無料・事前参加登録不要
  • 「第一部『学ぶ』セッション」に写真・映像・音声などを記録することと、その記録されたものをIHSプログラム活動で使用する可能性があることをあらかじめご了承ください。
  • お問い合わせ:IHSプログラム・教育プロジェクトS(project-s@ihs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  • 詳細:https://ihs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/schedule/(IHSプログラム・ホームページ)
ーーInformation in Englishーー

【Workshop: Stop Sexual Violence on Campus!】

Date: Tuesday 29th January 2019
Time: 14:00 to 17:30
Venue:   Room 93B, 9th Floor, Faculty of Engineering Bldg-2 (Hongo Campus), The University of Tokyo (Access: http://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access )

Guest Speaker
Adam R. Dodge, Legal & Technology Director at Laura’s House, Orange County, California, USA

  • Yujin Yaguchi (Professor of American Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
  • Eunice K. Kim (Professor at Ewha Womans University Law School)
  • Yuma Suzuki (Ph.D student at Graduate School of Sociology of Education, the University of Tokyo / NPO Chabujo )
  • Takashi Fuchigami (Student, Soka University)
  • Yuu Haruhuji (Student, Waseda University)
  • Momoko Yokoi (Student, Sophia University)

  • 【Part 1】Kaori Hayashi (Professor of Media and Journalism Studies at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo)
  • 【Part 2】Misha Cade (Student, Sophia University)

English (Questions from the audience may be in Japanese)

Sponsored by
Educational Project S, Integrated Human Sciences Program for Cultural Diversity (IHS), the University of Tokyo

Supported by
  • MeDi (Initiative for Media’s Diversity at the University of Tokyo)
  • Meridian180, Buffet Institute for Global Studies, Northwestern University
  • Chabudai Gaeshi Jyoshi Action (“Chabujo”, a feminist organization based in Tokyo)
  • Tottoko Gender Movement (a student group at the University of Tokyo)

About the Event
In recent years, news media reported several cases of sexual violence by college students. In most of these cases, students from prestigious institutions were involved. Meanwhile, harassment cases by male professors against female students seem to have become regular headlines in diverse news outlets.
However, universities are slow to move to establish a comprehensive system that stops sexual violence, protects and supports victims, and punishes perpetrators. Moreover, a majority of professors, administrators, and students do not seem to care about these issues. Such indifference results in a situation in which there is little consensus regarding what constitutes sexual violence and harassment. Overall, the lack of interest in and understanding about this theme shrouds our campuses, and discourages members of college communities from discussing these issues seriously.
In order to break such silence on this issue, the Leading Graduate Program on Integrated Human Sciences for Cultural Diversity (IHS) at the University of Tokyo will invite Mr. Adam R. Dodge, Legal & Technology Director at Laura’s House in Orange County, California, who specializes in domestic violence cases and has a long experience in sexual harassment education programs. He will share with us his expertise and experience.
Professor Yujin Yaguchi of Department of Area Studies (North American Division) of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Tokyo will then give a comment based on his experiences in American and Japanese higher education institutions. We will also invite Professor Kim K. Eunice at Ewha Woman’s University as a commentator.
The event will be conducted in English, but the choice of language will be flexible during the Q&A session to encourage all the participants to speak up. Everybody who is interested in this theme, and who thinks that the theme is important, is very welcome. Let’s learn together about the U.S. system and talk with Mr. Dodge what we can do against sexual violence in Japan!

About the Speaker
Mr. Dodge’s work is characterized by his dedication to assisting domestic violence survivors obtain restraining order protection and addressing the existing and future threats posed by technology. He has written and presented extensively on the impact of non-consensual pornography and recently co-authored a domestic violence advisory on artificial intelligence and the emerging threat of ‘deepfakes.’ As the legal director of Laura’s House, he oversees a department that processes over 1,150 restraining order cases annually. He recently co-authored The Empowered Woman’s Guide to Divorce and has been featured or contributed to articles in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, SELF Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Mashable, Gizmodo and others. He also writes for the Huffington Post. Adam’s television and radio appearances include Dr. Phil and he is a frequent speaker and guest lecturer at law schools, universities, and both national and international conferences. He earned his B.A. from UC Santa Barbara and his J.D. by way of McGeorge School of Law and Hastings College of the Law.

Our Goals for the Event
  1. To learn the current systems and institutions that prevent sexual violence in the U.S.
  2. To learn how activism influenced people’s awareness and changed the system to prevent sexual violence on campus.
  3. To evaluate the current situation of sexual violence at universities in Japan.

Time Table
14:00   Opening Remarks from Kaori Hayashi, Professor of Media and Journalism Studies at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo

【Part 1: Learning Session】
Lecture by Mr. Adam R. Dodge, Legal & Technology Director at Laura’s House: “Sexual Violence Prevention on College Campuses: Challenges & Successes”
14:40   Comments by Professor Yujin Yaguchi
14:55   Comments by Professor Eunice K. Kim
15:10   Q & A, and discussion
15:30   Break

【Part 2: Discussion Session】
15:40   The situation of sexual violence at the University of Tokyo (by Yuma Suzuki)
16:00   Actions at Soka University, Waseda University and Sophia University in Japan (by Takashi Fuchigami, Yuu Haruhuji, and Momoko Yokoi, respectively)
16:25   Discussion about how we can change our university and stop sexual violence
17:05   Comments by Mr. Dodge, Prof. Yaguchi and Prof. Kim
17:15   Closing & Reception

  • Free entrance. Pre-registration not required.
  • We appreciate your understanding that photos, video or audio records may be taken during “Part 1: Learning Session” and may be used for future IHS Program activities
  • Contact & Inquiries: Educational Project S, IHS Program (project-s@ihs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
  • For more information: Please visit IHS website: https://ihs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/schedule/


