東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII

イベント Event

September 21, 2017

東京大学ヒューマンオーグメンテーション学 (ソニー寄付講座) サマースクール2017: テーマ「感覚の拡張・変換」 を開催The University of Tokyo Human Augmentation Studies (Sony endowed chair) Summer School 2017: “Extension and Substitution of Perception”




会場:東京大学本郷キャンパス ダイワユビキタス学術研究館

Summer School 2017: 感覚の拡張・変換

The University of Tokyo Human Augmentation Studies will hold a 3-day summer school for students from September 21st to 23rd.

This event is consisting of a lecture on latest research trend, and a Hackason-style workshop where participants actually create perception-enhancing devices. We invite students of various interests with the theme of “Extension and Substitution of perception”.

We are recruiting students those who can exchange with other fields while researching and practicing in the fields of engineering and art, and are able to explore new possibilities of human augmentation science of the future.

The number of participants : 20
Participation fee: Free
Venue: The University of Tokyo Hongo Campus Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building
Eligibility: University Students
Application deadline: August 25 (Fri)

For detailed information, please refer to the following web page:
Summer School 2017: 感覚の拡張・変換