August 5, 2021
Report: 「ストーリーテリング・デジタルマップ」講評会Report: Storytelling Digital Map Review Session
2021年7月19日、渡邉英徳教授が担当する、教養学部(前期課程)の総合科目「情報メディア基礎論」の最終課題「ストーリーテリング・デジタルマップ」の講評会がオンラインで開催されました。デジタルビジュアライゼーションの実戦を通じて、情報とメディア、社会のかかわりを考えるこの授業を受講した35人の中から選抜された6名が、オープンソース・ソフトウェア「Re:Earth」を用いて作成した、3Dのストーリーテリング・デジタルマップのプレゼンテーションを行いました。ゲストの宮坂学氏(東京都副知事、元Yahoo!社長)、高橋葉夏氏(東京都デジタルサービス局 データ利活用担当部長)、筧康明准教授(情報学環)が講評され、学内を中心に130人を超える参加がありました。
On July 19, 2021, Professor Hidenori Watanave held an online review session on the final assignments submitted for the course “Introduction to Information and Media”, an integrated course taught in the College of Arts and Sciences (Junior Division). The title of the assignment was “Storytelling Digital Map”. Six students, selected from among the 35 students who participated in this course on information, media, and social interaction through digital visualization, gave presentations on a 3D storytelling digital map created using the open-source software “Re: Earth”.
Guests Manabu Miyasaka (Vice Governor of Tokyo, former president of Yahoo! Japan Corp.), Hanatsu Takahashi (Director of Data Utilization, Bureau of Digital Services, Tokyo), and Associate Professor Yasuaki Kakehi (III) reviewed the presentations, and more than 130 people participated, mainly from the university.
The six digital maps were divided into “entertainment” and “questions to society” according to their contents, and each author introduced the story while moving the map. All the works were interesting and clearly displayed the creator’s individuality. In addition to the comments of the guests, the participants also asked many questions and made comments using the chat function of Zoom. It was a valuable time to think about the power of visuals by digitally mapping the contents of various themes.
In addition to the works presented in this review session, other works created by the students in the course are available on the Watanave Laboratory website. All those interested are invited to take a look for themselves. The following is a comment by Professor Hidenori Watanave.
“Watanave Lab has produced many digital map archives so far. Through this class, I am glad that many students have experienced the practice of creating archives by themselves, crossing the boundaries between the humanities and sciences. We hope that students will make use of this experience in their own specialized fields in the future.”
Text: Jimmine Yoo (Ph.D. Student・Editorial team)
English proofreading: David Buist (Senior project specialist)
主担当教員Associated Faculty Members
渡邉 英徳
- 文化・人間情報学コース
- 先端表現情報学コース
- アジア情報社会コース
- 情報学環教育部
WATANAVE, Hidenori
- Cultural and human information studies course
- Emerging design and informatics course
- ITASIA program
- Undergraduate research student program