東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


March 8, 2021

東日本大震災とデジタルアーカイブThe Great East Japan Earthquake and Digital Archives







March 11th 2021 is the tenth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. In the Hidenori Watanave Laboratory, work has been underway to create a “Multi-dimensional Digital Archive Series” mapping data onto a virtual and augmented reality digital earth space. These archives also incorporate various types of data gathered on the earthquake, including damage impacts and the voices of victims, presenting them in a clearly visible format.

In cooperation with Iwate Nippo Newspaper, we have published new contents recounting the stories of survivors as they have struggled to rebuild their lives over the past 10 years. Called “We Shall Never Forget: The 10-year Struggle of Earthquake Survivors”, these contents are composed of two parts. The first is a “Life Rebuilding Map” visually representing on a digital map survivors’ movements and living circumstances in the last 10 years based on information gathered from interviews. The second is a “Linguistic Analysis” representing changes in the life circumstances and psychological condition of survivors based on machine learning analysis of the interview content.

In addition, we have updated the archive published in 2016 called “We Shall Never Forget – Last Movements of Tsunami Disaster Victims.” With the permission of their surviving relatives, we have displayed the names of those who died on the map. This archive documents the final movements of the disaster victims as they sought refuge from the moment the earthquake struck until the tsunami arrived.

We have also published two more archives. The “Great East Japan Earthquake Tweet Mapping” is a digital archive of geotagged tweets posted in the 24 hours after the earthquake. The “Great East Japan Earthquake ‘Disaster Risk Reduction Report’ Archive” is a digital archive of “disaster risk reduction reports” published by Weathernews Inc. until the day after the quake.

Ten years after the event, both our individual recollections and the collective social memory of the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster are gradually fading. We hope these archives reviving and binding the records and memories of a past disaster to the future will be of use in preparing for the next disaster. It is also hoped that those studying and researching in the GSII will be motivated to think about what contribution they themselves can make.

Hidenori Watnave (Professor)
English translation: David Buist (Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


渡邉 英徳
  • 文化・人間情報学コース
  • 先端表現情報学コース
  • アジア情報社会コース
  • 情報学環教育部


WATANAVE, Hidenori
  • Cultural and human information studies course
  • Emerging design and informatics course
  • ITASIA program
  • Undergraduate research student program