東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


July 22, 2024

【教員インタビュー】目黒公郎教授 (後編)Faculty Interview: Professor Kimiro Meguro, Dean of the III/GSII (Part2)




The following interview was conducted with the newly appointed Dean of the III/GSII, Prof. Kimiro Meguro, whose field of research is urban disaster mitigation engineering. Part 1 deals with disaster relief, particularly in relation to the Noto Earthquake that occurred at the beginning of 2024. In Part 2, Dean Meguro explains his vision for the future of the III/GSII.   

(Readers may also be interested in an earlier faculty interview conducted in 2023, where Prof. Meguro talks in more detail about his research.) 
(Message from the Dean: https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/about/message)

*日本語は抄訳に続く(Japanese interview text follows English summary)


Part 2

While advising on how to respond to disasters, Dean Meguro is also keenly concerned with how to improve the institutional structure of the III/GSII, which he now leads. For example, he wants to increase the opportunity for interaction among faculty and students from different fields of research. The inclusion of a diverse range of disciplines under one roof is one of the unique features of the III/GSII, but the potential for productive interaction has not always been fully realized. Each field has its valuable contribution in tackling contemporary issues, such as AI, which requires not only technical investigation but also consideration of its social and legal implications. The III/GSII provides an environment where all these aspects can be considered together through interdisciplinary cooperation.

Another feature of the III/GSII is the “floating” faculty system, in which faculty members from other graduate schools or research institutes transfer to the III/GSII for a period of a few years. This not only further enriches the diversity of the III/GSII but also helps to build university-wide personnel networks and brings benefits to the floating faculty members’ home departments. Dean Meguro would like to further enhance this “win-win” interfaculty exchange.

Following the pandemic, Dean Meguro would like to increase the opportunity for face-to-face interaction among members of the III/GSII. In particular, there is a need to allow greater informal exchange. One way to promote such exchange would be to follow the example of some universities overseas in establishing a common break time in the working day during which no classes or administrative meetings would be scheduled. During this time, members would be able to meet informally over drinks and snacks. Many of the most creative and productive ideas emerge precisely in such informal settings.

To realize this vision for the future of the III/GSII, a little more financial leeway will have to be attained. As funding from the university administration is gradually reduced, there will be an increasing need to seek competitive funds and research cooperation with organizations outside the university.




学環・学府は設立以来20年以上が経過し、さまざまな課題も見えてきています。教職員や学生の数にフィットした組織化ができているか? 資源が限られる中で自ら仕事を増やして、ミスやエラーを発生しやすくしていないか? 市町村の例でいえば、自力や体力に見合った仕組みを考えていないとか、局所最適解を狙いすぎで全体最適解から逸脱するような、構造的な問題が起きていないかを点検する時期であり、点検の結果、問題があれば、これを変革する必要があると思っています。








私はオンラインのメリットは保持しつつ、対面の機会を圧倒的に増やそうと思っています。アバターはいろんな可能性を秘めていますが、やはり人間はface to faceで歴史を作ってきたわけです。そういう点では、先ほど述べた融合を支える「仕組み」には、組織をめぐる大きな話だけでなく、人間単位のちょっとした工夫も効果的だと思います。海外の大学には毎日1時間ぐらいブレークタイムを設けて、教員から学生までみんなカップを持ち寄ってコーヒーや紅茶を飲みながら、お喋りする文化を持つところがあります。分野を超えたそのようなお喋りから、多くの新しいアイデアや成果が生まれるのです。ここで大事なのは、その時間帯にはなるべく会議は入れないとか、この時間が創造のために大切な時間だという意識を共有することです。学環コモンズは、まさにそういう目的に使うべきです。そこには、美味しいクッキーやチョコを用意して、あ、太っちゃうか(笑)。




主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


目黒 公郎
  • 先端表現情報学コース


MEGURO, Kimiro
  • Emerging design and informatics course