東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

May 25, 2015

[Workshop with Google] Creative Skills for Innovation(CSI): Lab workshop

Achieving User-protection, Privacy, and Free Flow of Information on the Internet: What is your Innovation to solve it?

(May 25th, 2015)

東京大学大学院情報学環・学際情報学府では、Googleからのご協力を得て、同社のInnovation & Creativity Programs統括であるFrederik G. Pferdt博士をお招きして、以下のワークショップを開催いたします。ここでは、例えば、ユーザー保護、プライバシー、自由な情報流通に関して、近年のさまざまな具体的争点に触れながら、そこでの課題解決に資するイノベーションを生み出す思考プロセスを通じて、参加者のみなさん自身が考えながら互いに積極的に議論して解決策を見出していく、という参加型のワークショップを体験してもらうことを目指しています。

佐倉統情報学環長・学際情報学府長からの冒頭挨拶および生命倫理の観点からの総論としてのイントロダクションに続いて、このワークショップでのテーマに関して参加者のみなさんが議論するにあたっての基礎的な知識や具体的な争点について、まず法学の観点から山口いつ子教授が、次にコンピュータ科学の観点から中尾彰宏教授が、簡単に解説していきます。その上で、Pferdt博士による参加型ワークショップ“Creative Skills for Innovation(CSI): Lab workshop”(イノベーションのためのクリエイティブ・シンキング・ラボ ワークショップ)を開始いたします。最後に、ワークショップでの議論の成果について参加者全員でプレゼンテーションを行い、パネル討論でまとめていきます。



場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部2号館9階92B
<アクセス情報> https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access

大学院情報学環・山口いつ子教授  gakkanws@gmail.com


17:30-17:40 冒頭挨拶・イントロダクション―総論(生命倫理の観点から)
佐倉統 大学院情報学環長・学際情報学府長

17:40-17:50 イントロダクション―各論1(法学の観点から)
“Why we need User-protection, Privacy, and Free Flow of Information on the Internet:
A Mixed Blessing of the Smart Big Data Technology?”

17:50-18:00 イントロダクション―各論2 (コンピュータ科学の観点から)
“What are the current issues of Innovative Network Technology?”(仮題)

18:00-20:20 課題解決のためのワークショップ
Dr. Frederik G. PFERDT (Head of Innovation & Creativity Programs at Google)
“Join us at the CSI:Lab workshop on user protection and free flow of information: Unleash your creativity, Google style”
PFERDT博士の略歴およびCSI:Lab ワークショップの概要は、英語案内文の末尾をご参照ください。

20:20-21:00 参加者によるワークショップ成果発表およびパネル討論


Achieving User-protection, Privacy, and Free Flow of Information on the Internet: What is your Innovation to solve it?

In collaboration with Google, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies/Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (III/GSII) of the University of Tokyo will invite Dr. Frederik G. PFERDT, Head of Innovation & Creativity Programs at Google, and discuss about Innovation and the problem-solving in various fields such as user-protection, privacy and free flow of information, relating to the Internet. In this workshop, we encourage the participants to think thoroughly and to find solutions by themselves, through an experimental design thinking process for Innovation.

In collaboration with Google, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies/Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (III/GSII) of the University of Tokyo will invite Dr. Frederik G. PFERDT, Head of Innovation & Creativity Programs at Google, and discuss what Innovation can solve various current issues, such as user-protection, privacy and free flow of information, relating to the Internet. In this workshop, we encourage the participants to think thoroughly and to find solutions by themselves, through an experimental design thinking process for Innovation.

Followed by the Opening Remarks and General Introduction from a bioethics perspective by the Dean Osamu SAKURA, Introductions by Professor Itsuko YAMAGUCHI and Professor Akihiro NAKAO of III/GSII from legal and computer science perspectives will be given for the participants to get a basic knowledge about what’s going on and why this topic matters. Then we will begin the Creative Skills for Innovation (CSI): Lab workshop, led by Dr. Frederik G. PFERDT. Lastly, outcomes of the workshop will be presented, and the workshop will be wrapped-up with a panel discussion.

All students related to III/GSII and i.school of the University of Tokyo are welcome.

Please register in advance to participate in the workshop through the following email address. No registration fee is required. The number of participants will be limited to 50. Registration will be on a first come, first served basis. Please send an email with 1) your full name, 2) your affiliation, and 3) your school year, to the following email address.

Date & Time: May 25th (Monday), 2015; from 17:30 to 21:00

Venue: The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Faculty of Engineering
Building No. 2, 9th floor, Classroom 92B


Language: English (If necessary, a rough summary translation in Japanese may be provided.)

Prior Registration is required: Please register in advance by sending an email with 1) your full name, 2) your affiliation, and 3) your school year, to the following email address. Your personal information will be used only for this workshop.

Registration & Inquiry: Professor Itsuko YAMAGUCHI (III/GSII)

Schedule (Tentative; subject to change):

17:30-17:40 Opening Remarks & General Introduction (from a bioethics perspective):


17:40-17:50 Introduction 1 (from a legal perspective):

Professor Itsuko YAMAGUCHI (III/GSII)
“Why we need User-protection, Privacy, and Free Flow of Information on the Internet:
A Mixed Blessing of the Smart Big Data Technology?”

17:50-18:00 Introduction 2 (from a computer science perspective):

Professor Akihiro NAKAO (III/GSII)
“What are the current issues of Innovative Network Technology?” (Tentative; subject to change)

18:00-20:20 Workshop for Solutions

Dr. Frederik G. PFERDT* (Head of Innovation & Creativity Programs at
“Join us at the CSI:Lab workshop: Unleash your creativity, Google style”**

20:20-21:00 Presentation of Workshop Outcomes & Wrap-up Panel Discussion


*Dr. Frederik G. Pferdt is Head of Innovation & Creativity Programs at Google.

He leads a talented team which catalyzes 10x thinking at Google by building a thriving innovation culture and trains people on how to build a better future through technology, fast.

Frederik is co-founder of “The Garage” at Google and runs its Creative Skills for Innovation Lab. As a Lecturer at Stanford University, he feels lucky to see students being empowered through user-centered, prototype-driven design so that they can do cool things that matter in the world. He was nominated as a visiting scholar at the Center for Design Research (d.school), Stanford University and research scholar at EdLab, Columbia University. As the founder of Learning Design:Lab, he created award-winning design experiments for various groups — from kindergartners, to teachers, to CEOs. His creative views on innovation culture, leadership and future technology have earned him invitations to transform an array of organizations and were featured in FastCompany, Time Magazine, The Telegraph, Oggi, ARD TV, Der Spiegel, BBC Radio, El Mercurio, Hong Kong Economic Times, Oriental Daily News. He currently lives in Silicon Valley with his wife and two sons, and draws inspiration from his boys’ childish minds and playfulness.

**Join us at the CSI:Lab workshop on user protection and free flow of information: Unleash your creativity, Google style.

Invitation to Google’s Creative Skills for Innovation:Lab

CSI:Lab offers participants an opportunity to learn how to tackle complex problems (aka opportunities) and foster an innovation culture within their own start-up and organizations. As a participant in the CSI:Lab, you’ll get your innovation juices flowing through a user-centered, prototype-driven design process that will empower you to collaborate across disciplines and tackle the world’s biggest challenges.

CSI:Lab will unleash your creativity and help you to:
– Find out what it takes to go from ill-defined problems to well-designed solutions
– Practice observation and interviewing techniques to generate user insights
– Use 10x thinking methods to develop ideas
– Prototype ideas rapidly
– Experiment to test and validate your prototypes / solutions

CSI:Lab is a 3.5-hour, action-oriented, team-based workshop.