March 17, 2018
Public Meeting of Platform Cooperativism Japanプラットフォーム・コーボラティビズム日本公開セミナー
プラットフォーム・コーポラティビズム日本 第一回公開セミナー:ネットワーク化された新しい協働のかたち
日時:2018 年 3 月 17 日(土)15:00-17:30
1. 本協会についての概要 (マティアス・サーガー:東京大学大学院情報学環・客員研究員)
2. 協同組合 (前田健喜,一般社団法人JC総研協同組合研究部長)
3. 労働と資本(マット・ノイズ,明治大学経営学部特任講師)
4. プラットフォームビジネスとデータの所有権 (田中恵子,京都情報大学院大学東京サテライト 助教)
プラットフォーム コーポラティビズム 日本コンソーシアム はニューヨークのPCC(の姉妹組織として,国際的なプラットフォーム協同組合主義の発展について周知する使命を持ったコンソーシアムで,現在立ち上げ段階にあります。PCJは価値の共有,共同のオーナーシップ,共同ガバナンスによって相乗効果が生まれるよう,これからのプラットフォーム経済のエコシステムにとって鍵となる関係者達の連携を促進します。またコンソーシアムとして、実証実験,教育の実践や事例研究のほか導入に向けた技術サポート,資金調達,イベントなどをファシリテイトし,コーポラティブなデジタルエコノミーの発展に寄与します。
Platform Cooperativism Japan (PCJ) Study & Discussion Meeting
“Platform cooperativism provides a proven alternative economic model promising not only a fairer but also a more secure and innovative way forward for a thriving digital economy for all.”
Date: Saturday, March 17th, 2018, 15:00 – 17:30 (2.5 hours)
Venue: 1F meeting room, Fukutake Hall, iii, Hongo campus, University of Tokyo
Language: Japanese and English
The Internet is slipping out of ordinary users’ control. Internet technologies are transforming our workplaces, relationships, and societies. Companies like Uber, Amazon, and Facebook are capturing vital sectors of the economy such as transportation, advertising, and phenomena like search and social networking. All of us who rely on the Internet have virtually no control over the platforms that affect and inform us on a daily basis.
Platform cooperativism is a growing international movement that builds a fairer future of work. Rooted in democratic ownership, co-op members, technologists, unionists, and freelancers create a concrete near-future alternative to the extractive sharing economy.
This study meeting provides the ideal overview for anybody interested in the concept of platform cooperativism and to connect with the Platform Cooperativism Japan (PCJ) Consortium.
There will be short-presentations with each subsequent open discussion as follows:
1. Overview of PC(J) (Mathias Sager, Visiting Researcher, iii, Univ. of Tokyo)
2. Cooperativism (Kenki Maeda, Secretary General, Japan Joint Committee of Co-operatives (JJC))
3. Labor and Capital (Matt Noyes, Movement educator, Research in International and Comparative Labor, Solidarity Economy, and Democratic Education.)
4. Platform data (Keiko Tanaka, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics)
Chair: Shin Mizukoshi (Professor, iii, Univ. of Tokyo)
Organization profile
The Platform Cooperativism Japan (PCJ) Consortium (a sister organization of the PCC New York, is in its formation process and therefore on the mission to spread awareness about the international development.
Platform Cooperativism Japan (PCJ) connects key stakeholders of the emerging platform economy ecosystem to create synergies in the pursuit of increased shared value, ownership, and governance. The PCJ Consortium supports the cooperative digital economy through research, experimentation, education, advocacy, documentation of best practices, technical support, the coordination of funding, and events.
The Platform Cooperativism Japan (PCJ) Consortium does:
– Advocate the role of platform cooperativism in a fairer future of work
– Work with partners to develop a local research agenda for the sector
– Share impactful stories of platform cooperativism’s potential
– Help platform cooperatives get started