July 11, 2024
Thad Starner先生による講演「Enhancing Communication with Animals Through Wearable Computing」
【講演者】:Professor Thad Starner
For over 10 years, our Animal Computer Interaction Lab has been creating interfaces to enable better communication between between humans and domestic and wild animals. For example, our FIDO (Facilitating Interactions for Dogs with Occupations) project has created wearable computers for dog nose work (e.g., bomb detection, smuggling, search-and-rescue, diabetic alert), accessibility (e.g., guiding and physical assistance), and dog welfare. Working with the Wild Dolphin Project, we have created a series of underwater wearable computers for human researchers for two way communication experiments with wild Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the Bahamas. This talk will demonstrate some of the difficulties of creating interfaces where normal HCI procedures need to be modified to work with participants who can not communicate in the normal ways and may have their own ideas of what voluntary participation means.
Thad Starner is a Georgia Tech Professor and a wearable computing pioneer. In 1990, Starner coined the term “augmented reality” to describe the types of interfaces he envisioned for the future; he has created everyday-use, AI-based wearable interfaces since 1993. From 2010-2018 Thad was a Technical Lead on Google’s Glass, which was named a “50 Most Influential Gadget of All Time” by Time Magazine. Starner’s 30 year effort on American Sign Language recognition has resulted in the open-source and freely available smartphone app PopSignAI, which uses computer vision to teaches users to play games by signing. Thad has been inducted into the CHI Academy and AWE’s XR Hall of Fame and is always looking for a good game of table tennis.
secretary.rkmtlab+staff[at]gmail.com (*[at]を@に変更してください)