August 24, 2021
Ana Beduschi准教授講演会「Artificial intelligence and digital technologies at the border: Migration and human rights considerations」Lecture by Dr. Ana Beduschi: "Artificial intelligence and digital technologies at the border: Migration and human rights considerations"
(*B’AIグローバル・フォーラムとは:東京大学がソフトバンクと共同で立ち上げた「東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構」の「AIと社会」部門に位置する研究グループです(プロジェクト・リーダー:林香里教授)。AI時代におけるジェンダー平等な社会を目指して様々な研究や企画を行っています。)
日時:2021年8月24日(火曜日) 5:30-7:00pm (日本時間)
Dr. Ana Beduschi
Associate Professor of Law at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom;
Senior Research Fellow at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Switzerland
Artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies have the potential to revolutionise the way States and international organisations seek to manage international migration. For instance, AI will gradually be used to perform tasks, including identity checks, border management and control, and analysis of data about visa and asylum applicants. In addition, worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic accentuated the need for more trustworthy digital systems to cater to the increasing demand for online services, including in border management and control.
Yet, this process of digitalisation strengthened by the pandemic brings about considerable challenges, notably relating to the potential over-reliance on AI and digital solutions for international migration and border management and control, privacy breaches and human rights violations.
This lecture will examine the current landscape and analyse the main challenges and opportunities of using AI and digital technologies in international migration and border management and control.
主催:東京大学 Beyond AI研究推進機構 B’AI Global Forum