February 11, 2024
LGBTQ+の語りのデジタルアーカイブ化と倫理勉強会Colloquium on Ethical Digital Archiving of LGBTQ+ Narratives
• 日付:2024年2月11日(日)~12日 (月)
• 場所:対面 (30人まで) 東京大学浅野キャンパス理学部3号館327号室(東京大学 [本郷地区キャンパスマップ(理3号館)] )
• 言語:英語
• 2月1日(木)までに、以下のフォームからご登録ください。登録者には、勉強会の前にリーフレットをメールで送付します。
• 主催:東京大学 B’AI グローバル・フォーラム
• お問い合わせ:kyoko.takeuchi[a]iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp([a]を@に変更してください)
そこで1日目は「クィアな過去を刻む: 初期のLGBTQデジタル空間を記録することの課題」と題した講演において、Dr. Avery Dame-Griffから、著作 The Two Revolutions: A History of the Transgender Internet (2023, NYU Press)と「Queer Digital History Project」に基づき、初期のLGBTQネットのアーカイブ化の資料保存やデザイン、プライバシーにかかわる困難についてお話いただきます。
2日目はアジアのLGBTQ+アーカイブについて検討します。まずDr. Kyoko Takeuchiによる講演「日本のLGBTQ+のアーカイブプロジェクトと倫理的課題を概観する」では、日本のこれまでのLGBTQ+(デジタル)アーカイブ化の現状と課題をまとめ、明確にLGBTQのカテゴリーに当てはまらない交差的な経験のアーカイブ化についてお話する予定です。
そしてDr. Michelle H. S. Hoの講演「アジアン・トランスアーカイブ:東京の女装・男装の研究から」では、東京での女装と男装の調査研究にもとづき、アジアのトランスアーカイブとは何かを検討することを通じて、伝統的な「西洋」の国家によるアーカイブや、「適切な」アーカイブ化の実践から零れ落ちる人々のストーリーについてお話いただきます。
◇Date & Venue
• Schedule: Sunday, February 11, 2024 ~ Monday, February 12, 2024
• Venue: On-site (up to 30 participants), Room 327, Faculty of Science Bldg.3 (The University of Tokyo, Asano Campus)(東京大学 [本郷地区キャンパスマップ(理3号館)] )
• Language: English
• How to register: Please register below by Thursday, February 1st. A brochure will be sent to your e-mail address a few days before the colloquium.
• Organizer: B’AI Global Forum, Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo
• Inquiry: kyoko.takeuchi[a]iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Please change [at] to @)
◇About the Colloquium
This colloquium aims to examine the possibilities and challenges of digital archiving LGBTQ+ narratives from multiple perspectives in relation to ethics, methods, and media technologies, based on the discussions of the three speakers.
For sexual minorities, who are often marginalized in society, it is important to be able to trace their own connections to queer individuals and their communities in the past, and digital archiving efforts have begun in many countries. However, various difficulties with privacy, cost, community trust, etc. have been pointed out, and there have been only a few attempts to create LGBTQ+ digital archives in Asia.
On the first day, in the talk “Logging Queer Pasts: The Challenges of Documenting Early LGBTQ Digital Spaces,” Dr. Avery Dame-Griff (Gonzaga University) will discuss the difficulties involved in preservation, design, and privacy in archiving the early LGBTQ Net, based on his book The Two Revolutions: A History of the Transgender Internet (2023, NYU Press) and the archiving project the “Queer Digital History Project” .
On the second day, we will focus on Asian LGBTQ+ archives.
In their talk “Overview of Japanese LGBTQ+ Archiving Projects and Ethical Concerns,” Dr. Kyoko Takeuchi (Univ. of Tokyo) will summarize the current status and challenges of LGBTQ+ (digital) archiving in Japan to date and discuss the archiving of intersectional experiences that do not fit explicitly into LGBTQ categories.
In addition, Dr. Michelle H. S. Ho’s presentation, “Asian Trans Archives: Some Thoughts from Studying Josō (Male-to-Female Crossdressing) and Dansō (Female-to-Male Crossdressing) in Tokyo,” will draw on her research on Josō and Dansō in Tokyo to examine the stories of those who fall outside of traditional “Western” national archives and “proper” archiving practices through an examination of what Asian trans archives are.
We hope that this colloquium will lead to cross-regional and cross-disciplinary discussions on LGBTQ+ archiving, and fruitful networking among researchers and students from various backgrounds.