東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

February 11, 2025

Jo Healey氏講演会「トラウマレポーティング—被害者とサバイバーへのより良い取材を求めて」Lecture by Jo Healey “Trauma Reporting: Exploring Sensitive Working Practices for Journalists when Interviewing Victims and Survivors”



B’AIグローバル・フォーラムでは、2025年2月11日(火・祝)Trauma Reporting, A Journalist’s Guide to Covering Sensitive Storiesの著者Jo Healey氏をお招きし、「トラウマレポーティング—被害者とサバイバーへのより良い取材を求めて」というテーマでご講演いただきます。ご関心のある方はぜひご参加ください。


・形式:Zoom ウェビナー (後日視聴はありません)
・使用言語:英語・日本語 (逐次通訳あり)



Jo Healey(ジャーナリスト)

Jo Healeyさんは英国のジャーナリストで、トラウマレポーティング・トレーニング専門家。
元BBCの取材者で、事件や災害などの被害者、サバイバー、目撃者、遺族など傷ついた/傷つきやすい相手への繊細な取材をどのように実現したらベストか、トラウマを知り相手と自分を守りながら使命を果たす協働の方法を探り、取材を受けた人たちと専門家、繊細な取材を実践してきたベテランに聞きながらトレーニングを開発しました。それをまとめた著書が、Trauma Reporting, A Journalist’s Guide to Covering Sensitive Stories (翻訳中)で、具体的な提言に満ちています。
彼女はプリンストン大学やオックスフォード大学で講義し、国際チャリティー組織BBC Media Actionを通じてウクライナのジャーナリストにトラウマレポーティングのトレーニングをし、WHO(国際保健機構)で講演するなど、各国で知見を提供しています。NGOや人権活動家とも協力。ユネスコのリーフレット Safety of journalists covering trauma and distress ‘Do no harm’ (2022)を書いています。https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000381200



東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構 B’AI Global Forum ‘Trauma Reporting 研究会’ (座長・河原理子)

B’AI Global Forum事務局




Lecture by Jo Healey
“Trauma Reporting: Exploring Sensitive Working Practices for Journalists when Interviewing Victims and Survivors”

The B’AI Global Forum will hold a lecture by Jo Healey entitled “Trauma Reporting: Exploring Sensitive Working Practices for Journalists when Interviewing Victims and Survivors” on February 11, 2025.

Date & Venue

・Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 5:00~7:30 pm (JST)
・Venue: Online (Zoom Webinar, No on-demand recording available)
・Language: English & Japanese  (consecutive interpretation available)
・Admission: Free
・How to register: Please register by February 7 using the link below.


Jo Healey (Journalist)

A former BBC TV journalist, Jo Healey trains media teams worldwide how best to work with victims and survivors. Through BBC Media Action, Jo has trained journalists and broadcasters in Ukraine and Armenia in Trauma Reporting as well was working with journalists reporting from Beirut, Nigeria, Mexico City and Delhi plus NGO story teams, humanitarian workers and migrant women journalists. She’s the author of Trauma Reporting, A Journalist’s Guide to Covering Sensitive Stories and the UNESCO document Safety of Journalists Covering Trauma and Distress, Do No Harm which was translated into seven languages. She’s spoken at the United Nations in Bangkok and the World Health Organisation in Geneva about her work. She’s lectured at Princeton, Boston, Oxford and London Universities, delivering key notes from Ottawa to Oslo.


Journalists are rarely trained in how to work sensitively and appropriately with vulnerable sources. They effectively, or not, ‘practice’ on the grieving public and hope their skills will improve through trial and error. Often under pressure, journalists can be working daily with people suffering grief, abuse, illness and experiences so extreme, they are making the news. This creates risk. Informed by trauma experts, clinicians, academics, psychologists and most importantly the insight from our interviewees, Trauma Reporting seeks to address this. It provides a framework for good practice which is relatable for journalists. It teaches trauma awareness; it equips them with key skills for working and interviewing sensitively; it encourages them to support each other by sharing their expertise and observations; it teaches self-care when being exposed to the distress of their contributors. It’s key message: do your job, do it well, do no harm.

Study group on Trauma Reporting, B’AI Global Forum, Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo

B’AI Global Forum Office
bai.global.forum[at]gmail.com(Please change [at] to @)

Please check B’AI website for the latest information: https://baiforum.jp/en/events/en087/