東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

January 25, 2025

李靜愛(Lee Chong-ae)氏講演会 -「韓国の記者がトラウマについて話すようになるまで」-Lecture by Chong-ae LEE - “How South Korean Journalists Began Speaking About Trauma” -

李靜愛(Lee Chong-ae)氏講演会  [PDF(日本語 | English)]

B’AIグローバル・フォーラムでは、2025年1月25日(土)に韓国ジャーナリストトラウマ委員会委員長李靜愛(Lee Chong-ae)氏をお招きし、「韓国の記者が トラウマについて話すようになるまで」というテーマでご講演いただきます。ご関心のある方はぜひご参加ください。



・日時:2025 年 1 月 25 日(土) 14 時~16時30分(日本時間)
・会場:東京大学本郷キャンパス 情報学環・ダイワユビキタス学術研究館3階 大和ハウス石橋信夫記念ホール(先着100名)
・使用言語:韓国語・日本語 (逐次通訳あり)


李靜愛 Chong-ae LEE(韓国ジャーナリストトラウマ委員会委員長)

韓国では、2023年に初めて「ジャーナリスト トラウマ ガイドブック1.0」が作成・公表されました。


作ったのは、韓国ジャーナリスト協会、放送ジャーナリスト協会、韓国女性ジャーナリスト協会の合同タスクフォース「ジャーナリストトラウマ委員会」。トラウマ専門家の協力も得て仕上げました。その委員長が李靜愛(Chong-ae LEE)さんです。研修にも尽力しています。


1990年代終わりから同局のニュースマガジン番組で女性初の調査報道記者として働くなかで、李さんはトラウマと報道の問題に目を開かれましたーートラウマを抱える被害者に取材者がどのようにアプローチすれば良い関係が築けるのか、また、ジャーナリスト自身が負うトラウマにどう向き合っていけばよいのか。2011年、Dart Center for Journalism & Traumaのアジア地域のフェローシップに、2012-13年、ハーバード大学のニーマンフェローシップに選ばれてこの分野を研究。現在、Dart Centerアジア地域の理事を務めています。






東京大学 Beyond AI 研究推進機構 B’AI Global Forum ‘Trauma Reporting 研究会’ (座長・河原理子)

B’AI Global Forum事務局




Lecture by Chong-ae LEE
“How South Korean Journalists Began Speaking About Trauma”

Lecture by Chong-ae LEE “How South Korean Journalists Began Speaking About Trauma”  [PDF(日本語 | English)]

The B’AI Global Forum will hold a lecture by Chong-ae LEE entitled “How South Korean Journalists Began Speaking About Trauma” on January 25, 2025.

Date & Venue

・Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025, 2:00~4:30 pm (JST)
・Format: Hybrid (In-person & Zoom) / Registered participants can access the recorded video until the end of March.
・Venue: Daiwa House Ishibashi Nobuo Memorial Hall, 3F, Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Bldg., Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (On a first-come, first-served basis for up to 100 participants)
・Language: Korean & Japanese  (Consecutive interpretation available)
・Admission: Free
・How to register: Please register by January 19 using the link below.

*The URL for online participation will be sent the day before the lecture.



Chong-ae LEE (Chair of the Korean Journalist Trauma Committee)

In South Korea, the first-ever Journalist Trauma Guidebook 1.0 was  published in 2023.


The guidebook was published by the Journalist Trauma Committee, a joint task force comprising the Journalists Association of Korea, the Broadcasting Journalists Association, and the Korean Women Journalists Association, with the collaboration of trauma specialists. The committee is chaired by Chong-ae. She is also dedicated to conducting training programs on the topic.

Chong-ae has been a journalist at SBS (the Seoul Broadcasting System) in South Korea since 1995, receiving awards such as Reporter of the Year from the Journalist Association of Korea and the Korean Broadcasting Grand Prize. She is currently the editor and team leader of the Future and Vision team in the SBS News Headquarters, organizing global forum on digital innovation (SBS D forum).

In the late 1990s, while working as the first female investigative reporter for SBS’s news magazine program News Pursuit, Chong-ae became aware of various issues surrounding trauma and journalism— how journalists should approach a victim of a traumatic event so as to make a positive contribution while getting a story, and conversely how the journalist can handle their resultant trauma.

She is a 2011 Dart Asia Fellow, a regional program of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and also a 2012-2013 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University.  She now serves as a board member of the Dart Center for the Asia-Pacific region.


About the lecture

In the lecture, we will explore why and how, within East Asian culture, there has been a drive toward “trauma-informed journalism” and how it has been realized in tangible ways. Below is the lecture summary provided by Chong-ae:

The word “trauma” began to be openly discussed in South Korea following the sinking of MV Sewol in 2014. The topic gained further prominence in the fall of 2022, when a tragic crowd crush occurred in Itaewon, prompting journalists to engage in serious discussions about trauma.

What efforts have enabled South Korean journalists to begin addressing trauma? No one ever taught me about trauma during my early career, yet I became deeply invested in this issue and have been raising my voice about it for over a decade. In this talk, I will share why I focused on this subject and the journey it took to bring these discussions to the forefront.


Study group on Trauma Reporting, B’AI Global Forum, Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo


B’AI Global Forum Office
bai.global.forum[at]gmail.com(Please change [at] to @)

The latest information about the event can be found here: https://baiforum.jp/en/events/en085/