November 18, 2024
B’AI Global Forum 5周年記念シンポジウム「AIとDE&I—デジタル人道主義の未来」B’AI Global Forum 5th Anniversary Symposium “AI and DEI: The Future of Digital Humanitarianism”
・日時:2024年11月18日(月曜日)13:00-17:30(12:30 開場)
司会 久野愛(東京大学)
13:00-13:15 開会の挨拶 津田敦(東京大学)
13:15-13:55 B’AIグローバルフォーラムの5年間振り返り 板津木綿子(東京大学)
14:00-14:45 基調講演1:アニタ・グルムルティ(IT for Change)
“Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in the Epoch of AI: Lessons from Southern Feminism”
15:00-15:45 基調講演2:ステフ・ライト(Scottish AI Alliance)
“Reframing the narrative of our AI future”
16:00-17:20 パネル討論
パネリスト:アニタ・グルムルティ(IT for Change)
ステフ・ライト(Scottish AI Alliance)
17:20-17:30 閉会の挨拶 林香里(東京大学)
アニタ・グルムルティ Anita Gurumurthy
Executive Director, IT for Change。グルムルティ氏は、データおよびAIガバナンス、プラットフォーム規制、フェミニズム的立場からのデジタル正義に関する研究と支援活動を主導している。2024ブラジルG20サミットにおけるT20デジタルトランスフォーメーション・ワーキンググループの共同議長を務めるほか、国連の技術促進メカニズム(TFM)など様々な国際委員会の委員としても活躍している。
ステフ・ライト Steph Wright
Head, Scottish AI Alliance。ライト氏は、スコットランドのAI戦略を支援するData Labを主導し、現在は、スコットランドが信頼できる倫理的かつ包括的なAI開発のリーダーとなるよう、AI戦略の実践を推進している。ライト氏は、Diverse AIの共同設立者でもあり、2023年には「AI倫理で最も優れた女性100人」と「スコットランドの最も優れたテック業界の女性トップ10」に選出された。
小齊平康子 Yasuko Kosaihira
ヘン・イ・クァン Yee Kuang Heng
オオツキ・グラント・ジュン Grant Jun Otsuki
東京大学総合文化研究科超域文化科学専攻准教授。文化人類学が専門で、特に科学技術人類学や科学技術社会論分野の研究に従事。トロント大学文化人類学研究科にて2015年に博士号取得。ニュージーランドビクトリア大学ウェリントン校上級講師を経て現職。2024年STS Infrastructure Award受賞。
津田敦 Atsushi Tsuda
板津木綿子 Yuko Itatsu
久野愛 Ai Hisano
B‘AI グローバル・フォーラム・メンバー、東京大学大学院情報学環准教授。2020-2021年度東京大学卓越研究員。専門は歴史学(技術史・資本主義史・感覚史)。
林香里 Kaori Hayashi
B‘AI グローバル・フォーラム・メンバー、東京大学理事・副学長(国際、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン担当)。東京大学大学院情報学環教授。専門はジャーナリズム研究、マスメディア研究。
東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構 B’AI Global Forum
B’AI Global Forum事務局[at][at]を@に変えてください)
B’AI Global Forum 5周年記念シンポジウム「AIとDE&I—デジタル人道主義の未来」(2024/11/18 13:00~17:30)
B’AI Global Forum 5th Anniversary Symposium “AI and DEI: The Future of Digital Humanitarianism”
Founded in 2020, B’AI Global Forum has dedicated itself to exploring the intersection of AI and social justice. To commemorate its 5th anniversary, we are hosting a symposium featuring experts at the forefront of AI ethics, policy, and technology development.
We will explore how to harness AI creatively to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion by highlighting not only the potential of AI but also its impact on our rights and daily lives, as well as socioeconomic injustices on a global scale.
◇Date & Venue
・Date: November 18, 2024 (Mon), 13:00-17:30 (JST) (Doors open at 12:30)
・Venue: Fukutake Learning Theater (Hongo Campus) and Zoom webinar
・Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation in Japanese available)
・How to register: Whether attending in person or online, pre-registration is required. Please sign up using the link below. (Pre-registration deadline: Sunday, November 10)
Moderator: Ai Hisano (University of Tokyo)
13:00-13:15 Opening Remarks, Atsushi Tsuda (University of Tokyo)
13:15-13:55 Reflections on the first 5 years of the B’AI Global Forum, Yuko Itatsu (University of Tokyo)
14:00-14:45 Keynote Speech 1 Anita Gurumurthy (IT for Change)
“Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in the Epoch of AI: Lessons from Southern Feminism”
15:00-15:45 Keynote Speech 2 Steph Wright (Scottish AI Alliance)
“Reframing the narrative of our AI future”
16:00-17:20 Panel discussion
Moderator: Grant Jun Otsuki (University of Tokyo)
Panelists: Anita Gurumurthy (IT for Change)
Steph Wright (Scottish AI Alliance)
Yasuko Kosaihira (SoftBank Corp.)
Yee Kuang Heng (University of Tokyo)
17:20-17:30 Closing Remarks, Kaori Hayashi (University of Tokyo)
Anita Gurumurthy
Executive Director and Founding Member, IT for Change. Gurumurthy leads research and advocacy on data and AI governance, platform regulation, and feminist digital justice. She co-chairs the T20’s digital transformation working group in the G20 Brazil 2024 and serves on international committees including the UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism.
Steph Wright
Head, Scottish AI Alliance. Wright led Data Lab’s support for Scotland’s AI Strategy and now leads its implementation, aiming for Scotland to be a leader in the development of trustworthy, ethical, and inclusive AI. She co-founded Diverse AI and was recognized as one of the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics and Top 10 Women in Tech in Scotland in 2023.
Yasuko Kosaihira
Deputy Director, AI Strategy Office, SoftBank Corp. After working at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting and Fast Retailing, Kosaihira joined SoftBank. By spearheading investments in and promotions of new business ventures such as RPA (Robotic Process Automation), shared office spaces, and machine learning AI, she is advancing the innovation of business models and user experiences.
Yee Kuang Heng
Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo. Heng specializes in international security, foreign policy, and the strategic impact of advanced technology in the Asia-Pacific. He earned a PhD in International Relations from London School of Economics in 2004, and taught at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Trinity College Dublin before joining the University of Tokyo in 2016.
Grant Jun Otsuki
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Otsuki specializes in the anthropology of science and technology, as well as Science and Technology Studies. Before joining the University of Tokyo in April 2024, he earned a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Toronto (2015) and served as a senior lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington. He received the STS Infrastructure Award in 2024.
Atsushi Tsuda
Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo. Specializing in biological oceanography (zooplankton ecology), Tsuda served as Director of the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute from 2015, was appointed Vice President in 2019, became Executive Vice President in 2021, and assumed his current position in 2023.
Yuko Itatsu
Principal Investigator of the B’AI Global Forum; Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo.
Itatsu specializes in social and cultural history of the 20th century and beyond.
Ai Hisano
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo; 2020-2021 University of Tokyo Excellent Young Researcher. Hisano’s expertise lies in the history of technology, capitalism, and the senses.
Kaori Hayashi
Executive Vice President for Globalization, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo. Hayashi specializes in media and journalism studies.
B’AI Global Forum, Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo
◇Supported by
The Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo
B’AI Global Forum Office[at] change [at] to @)