東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

May 21, 2024

東京大学×ソニーグループ 越境的未来共創社会連携講座レクチャーシリーズCreative Futurists Dialogues 003

東京大学 ✕ ソニーグループ 越境的未来共創社会連携講座

Creative Futurists Dialogues 003「Techne & Technology: How Art and Technology create innovation for a better society?」

東京大学とソニーグループが立ち上げたCreative Futurists Initiative(CFI、越境的未来共創社会連携講座)。本講座では、越境的未来共創を先導する方々をお迎えして先端的な活動を共有いただくと共に、参加者の対話の場としてCreative Futurists Dialoguesシリーズを展開しています。

今回Creative Futurists Dialogues 003では、世界を代表する芸術大学の一つである英国University of Arts London (UAL) からProf. Vali Laliotiをゲストに招きます。彼女は、UALの中でも新しい組織であるCreative Computing Institute (CCI)のプログラム・ディレクターを務め、アート&テクノロジー、アート・サイエンスの領域を主導する研究教育活動を展開しています。また、アートを通してXRやロボティクスといったテクノロジーと社会の相互作用を探求しています。当日は、『Techne & Technology: How Art and Technology create innovation for a better society?』と題した彼女の活動や思想に関するレクチャに加えて、グループワークによる創作実践も取り入れる予定です。是非ご参加ください。

【主催】東京大学 ✕ ソニーグループ 越境的未来共創社会連携講座


・対面会場:東京大学 本郷キャンパス 工学部2号館 9階92B(受付開始 16:40)
・オンライン配信:Zoomによる配信を予定 ※開始前までにPeatixメッセージを通してURLを共有します

【参加費】無料 要事前参加登録 https://cfd-003.peatix.com/



The “Transboundary Co-creation for Futures (Creative Futurists Initiative)” launched by Sony Group and the University of Tokyo will welcome leaders of cross-boundary future co-creation to share their cutting-edge activities and launch the Creative Futurists Dialogues series as a platform for dialogue among participants.
Professor Vali Lalioti (Creative Computing Institute, University of Arts London) is invited as a guest in the third edition of Creative Futurists Dialogues 003. In addition to lectures on activities and ideologies, there are also plans to engage in creative practices through group work.
Please note that this program will be conducted in English.

21/May/2024 5pm to 7pm (JST)

On site:
Room 92B, Faculty of Engineering Building 2, Hongo Campus, The University Tokyo
(If you are a sony group employee, please apply through a inner Forms)

Zoom (We will send you the URL by peatix message)

Participation fee free

Pre-registration is needed: https://cfd-003.peatix.com/

Program : Lecture and group work (Lectures and discussions will be conducted in English)


スピーカープロフィール (Profile)
Prof. Vali Lalioti
Prof. Vali Lalioti
Prof. Vali Lalioti is a pioneering designer, computer scientist and academic who helped build the first VR systems in Germany in the late 1990s before setting up a cross-cultural VR research centre in post-apartheid South Africa that explored new areas such as VR and storytelling in Township cultures. She won the Royal Television Society Judges award for her work developing the first Augmented Reality productions at the BBC and has taught innovation around the world. Her Innovation Consultancy has developed diverse projects from AR Medical books to Operatic VR. Vali’s XR and robotic designs won innovation awards and she’s been interviewed by WIRED, Dezeen, BBC Horizon and the UK press.Vali is Professor in Creative XR and Robotics and passionate about how society and technology interact and her research across the creative continuum of XR and Robotics, collides phygital and embodied experiences in performing arts, well-being and healthy ageing, to build a more equitable and sustainable society. She has a PhD in Computer Science, an MRes in Design from Royal College of Art and an MBA, with extensive international leadership and innovation experience from Silicon Valley, Africa, China, Japan and Europe.Vali is also Director of Programmes at the Creative Computing Institute (CCI) at the University of the Arts London (UAL), leading the Institute’s academic programme of graduate and postgraduate courses in Creative Computing and exciting new developments in Creative Robotics and Computer and Data Science and AI. She leads a diverse team of designers, artists, academics, researchers, and computer scientists promoting diversity, inclusion, and interdisciplinary creative learning principles. A Greek born she lived around the globe and currently resides in the UK.