May 29, 2015
3rd Annual University of Tokyo-GSII Graduate Student Conference
Organizer: ITASIA Student Body Government (GSII, University of Tokyo)
Sponsor: IHS Program (University of Tokyo)
Location: Main Conference Room, 3rd Floor, IASA, University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
Access: http://www.ioc.u-
No reservations necessary
協賛:東京大学 多文化共生・統合人間学プログラム
場所:東京大学東洋文化研究所3階 大会議室
Speaker: Prof. Abé Markus Nornes (University of Michigan)
Title: “Subtitling Calligraphy: Rethinking Subtitles in East Asian Cinema”Panel 1 (10:40-12:10)
Media Histories, Industries and Identities in East-Asia: Negotiating Local, Regional, Transnational
Discussant: Abé Markus Nornes (Professor of Asian Cinema, Department of Screen Arts and Cultures & Department of Asian Languages and Cultures; Professor, School of Art & Design, University of Michigan)
(1) Challenging East-Asian media space: Case studies from regional co-production markets in Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea
Sten-Kristian SALUVEER (University of Tokyo, GSII, ITASIA)
(2) Kyo Machiko’s Film Body: Star Actress as a Vamp Type of Postwar Japan
Kyohhei KITAMURA (University of Tokyo, GSII)
(3) “Time Lag” in the Film Reception: The Influence of the Historical Change of Distribution System on the Film Experience
Lillian TSAY (University of Tokyo, GSII, ITASIA)
Monumentality, Materiality, and Media Representation: The Socially Engaged Architecture and its Contemporary Image
Discussant: William Coaldrake (Project Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies; Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)(1) In Search of Lost Time: Tourist Craze for Japanese Historical Monuments in Taiwan
SHEN Kunxian (National Taiwan University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures)
(2) From William Morris to Digital Ornament: Case Study of the Ornament of Tokyo Station
SAOTOME Shinya (University of Tokyo, GSII, ITASIA)
(3) Glass Cases to Glass Buildings: An Analysis of Glass Exploitation in Museum Architecture in Japan since ca. 2000
PAN Mengfei (University of Tokyo, GSII, ITASIA)
(4) Tokyo: Reconsidering Urban Monstrosity
Rafael BALBOA (University of Tokyo, Dept of Architecture, Kuma Kengo Laboratory)
Panel 3 (15:20-16:50)
Contemporary Social Transformation in East Asian Societies
Discussant: (to be announced)
(1) “An Oasis in the Cultural Desert?” Emergence of Bottom-up Type of Education: A Study of Modern sishu in Beijing
BAO, Lige (University of Tokyo, GSII, ITASIA)
(2) Rise of the Internet “Villagers”: an Internet-based cultural identity and its public influence in Taiwan
LIN Yi-Ren (University of Tokyo, GSII, ITASIA)
(3) Ineluctable Historical Wheel? An Inquiry into Identity of Third-generation Waishengren in Taiwan
CHANG Yung-Ying (National Taiwan University, Department of Sociology)
Panel 4 (17:00-18:30)
Social Media and International Relations
Discussant: Ryo Nakai (Assistant Professor, College of Law and Politics, Rikkyo University)
(1) “Yellow Power” Turning Upside Down──the Sunflower and Umbrella Movements of 2014
Meng-chieh LIN (National Taiwan University, Department of Political Science)
(2) Enabling Decentralized Governance based on Proof-of-Importance
TAKEMIYA, Makoto (University of Tokyo, GSII, Applied Computer Science)
(3) Audience Costs and Protest Theming on Social Media and in the Streets
Joshua CADER (University of Tokyo, GSII, ITASIA)