東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

March 27, 2017

情報社会基盤卓越講義シリーズ 第12回 のお知らせ


In the light of the progress of planetary-scale technological competition for dominance in information society infrastructure, such as data acquisition and analysis beyond national borders, export of communication infrastructure through network softwarization, virtual currency without guarantee of value by a specific state, etc., we believe that it is essential to carefully study the latest trends in information society infrastructure technologies from interdisciplinary view points and have started “Distinguished Lecture Series on Information Society Infrastructures” in February 2017.
This lecture series is open to public not only students and faculty members at UTokyo.

第12回 情報社会基盤卓越講義 を以下のように開催します。

【講義タイトル】Blockchain 〓 Trust for the 21st Century? (ブロックチェーン – 21世紀の信用になるか?)

【講師】Dr. Catherine Mulligan

【分野】ブロックチェーン Blockchain, 仮想通貨 Virtual Currency

【日時】2017年3月27日 14:00-16:00

【場所】ダイワユビキタス学術研究館 3F 石橋記念ホール



The notion of trust is a foundational aspect of our governments, our economy and our broader society. As digital technology has become increasingly pervasive across industries and in our daily lives, the question of how we engender models of trust in the digital world is being raised and becoming critical to ensuring the continued operation of digitally-enabled industries (which are nearly all industries these days). Recent events have meant that our society is having an increasingly interesting debate about truth and what it means to be able to rely upon our news sources, feel confident about our election results as well as our relationship those who hold data about us such as governments and large companies. At the same time, corporations and cities are struggling to manage large data sets and to find appropriate ways to ensure appropriate and reliable decision-making using them in an increasingly digital world.

A relatively new technology Blockchain or Distributed Ledgers has emerged as a potential answer to these questions and offers the opportunity to redefine how our governments, economy and society work through redefining the role of trust in these institutions. Indeed, many claim that Blockchain will remove the need for intermediaries such as central banks, land registries and insurance agencies altogether, allow individuals to exchange information directly with one another and provide the answer to economic development and growth. This talk discusses blockchain’s role in our society and economy.



Dr Catherine Mulligan is a Research Fellow in Innovation and Entrepreneurship with a joint appointment to the Department of Computing where she is Co-Director of the Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering. Cathy has worked extensively with catalyzing IoT and blockchain solutions to market. She is an advisor to several governments and multinational corporations globally about the role of digitalisation on economic growth and prior to her academic career gained 15 years international experience in the mobile telecommunications industry. She has authored 5 books covering both the technology and economics of the mobile communications industries including SAE/EPC & M2M/IoT. Cathy is a member of the Open and Agile Smart Cities (OASC) Task Force, where she leads Standardisation Activities around ETSI, ISO, ITU, 5G and Open APIs. Catherine received her PhD and MPhil from the University of Cambridge and her BSc. (Hons 1) from UNSW, Australia. Catherine is a Fellow and Expert member of the World Economic Forum’s Blockchain council.

【担当教員】 中尾彰宏 nakao@nakao-lab.org