November 17, 2013
10:30 情報学環本館正面玄関前 集合
11:00~12:00 旧岩崎邸庭園見学
12:00~12:30 移動
12:30~14:00 昼食(東京ドームシティ)
14:00~14:30 文京区シビックセンター展望デッキ鑑賞
14:30~15:45 本郷坂道めぐり(炭団坂、樋口一葉旧居跡)
15:45~16:00 移動
16:00~17:00 全体交流会・意見交換会※
17:00 解散(予定)
GSII:Bunkyo-ku Historical Walking Tour
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff
In previous years, the GSII has organized bus tours in the Kanto area for international students and their tutors.
This year, however, after discussion between students and Gakusei-Ryugakusei Committee, the GSII has decided to hold a historical walking tour around Bunkyo-ku with the aim of increasing contact between international students and students from Japan. All students, both Japanese and international, are invited to participate.
This will be a great opportunity not only to learn more about the history of the local area, but also to develop friendships with students from other courses and different areas of specialization.
rDate and Time: November 17th (Sunday) from 10:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.
DOpen to all students, faculty and staff in the GSII fApply in advance by sending an e-mail with 1)your name, 2)student ID number, 3)contact e-mail address, 4)mobile phone number, and 5)your participation by choosing one from the following options [(5-1) the whole itinerary, (5-2) walking tour only, or (5-3) informal discussion only] to the Gakumu; International Student Office:
gApplication Deadline: November 8th (Friday) AFree of charge (Entrance fees for Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Teien and Informal Discussion expenses will be covered by the GSII. However, you must pay for your own lunch.)
Itinerary (subject to alteration depending on road conditions on the day)
10:30 Meet outside the entrance to the III Main Building (Honkan)
11:00~12:00 Tour of Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Teien
12:00~12:30 Walking
12:30~14:00 Lunch (at Tokyo Dome City)
14:00~14:30 Bunkyo-ku Civic Center Observation Deck
14:30~15:45 Tour of famous sloping streets in Hongo
15:45~16:00 Walking
16:00~17:00 Informal Discussion*
*It is possible to join the Informal Discussion at 4 p.m. even without participating in the whole tour. However, it is still necessary to apply in advance as described above (Venue for Informal Discussion: TBA).
17:00 End
・ The tour will go ahead in the case of light rain. However, it will be cancelled if it rains heavily (In the case of cancellation, participants will be informed by e-mail around 8 a.m. on the planned day of the tour.).
・ Since we will be moving on foot, it is advisable to wear shoes suitable for walking.
・ If for any reason you need to go home before the whole tour has ended, please inform a staff member.