東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

May 29, 2016

国際セミナーのお知らせLocal Community Building through Digital Storytelling

Title: Local Community Building through Digital Storytelling

Venue: 93B, 9F, New 2nd Engineering Building

The seminar discusses the transformation of place, community engagement and enhancing communication structures in the context of digital communication technology and platforms, as well as the use of digital storytelling activities in local community building.
The seminar explores how a digital communication infrastructure can be developed for a local area and how it can be incorporated to the physical locality.
All the speakers are members of Storyplacing project.
The official title of Storyplacing is “Co-Design of Digital Storytelling System with Geographic Information” funded by the
Academy of Finland and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science from 2014 to 16.

Storyplacing blog: http://storyplacers.tumblr.com/

RSVP is not needed.

13:00-13:30 Overview
“Digital Storytelling and the Participatory Design of Communities”
– Mikko Villi (U Helsinki) & Shin Mizukoshi (U Tokyo)

13:30-14:30 Digital Storytelling
Chair: Hideki Koizumi (U Tokyo)
“Comikaruta and Telephonoscope: Designing Systems and Workshop Programs of Digital Storytelling for Communities”
– Rikutaro Manabe (U Tokyo), Masako Miyata (Aichi Shukutoku U), Katsuaki Tanaka (Saitama Institute of Technology)

“Building the Image of a City Through Local Storytelling: Experiences from the City of Hanko”
– Petro Poutanen (U Helsinki)

14:45-15:45 Community Design
Chair: Mikko Villi
“Communication, Knowledge Sharing and Storytelling for City Making (Case: Urban Gardening in Helsinki)”
– Andrea Botero (Aalto U), Sanna Marttila (Aalto U)

“Riku-cafe: A Community Design Practice toward Super Aged Society”
– Hideki Koizumi, Chikako Goto (U Tokyo)

16:00-17:30 Discussion Workshop
Facilitator: Members of Storyplacing
Commentators: To be determined

Thinking about the future collaboration among urban engineering, community design, media studies, communication studies, information engineering, media design and interaction design. All the participants, including the speakers will discuss in workshop style.