東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

イベント Event

January 21, 2016

「メディア研究のつどい」 Pablo Boczkowski先生講演会「The News Gap」(1月21日・木)

米国ノースウェスタン大学のPablo J. Boczkowski先生をお招きします。デジタル時代において、
本講演会The News Gapを通じて、皆様とともに考える機会にしたいと思います。


The News Gap: Media industry and democratic life in the 21st century



(地図: <http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_03_j.html> http://www.
u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_03_j.html <

【講演者】Professor Pablo J. Boczkowski (Northwestern University, U.S.A)






The sites of major media organizations?CNN, USA Today, the Guardian, and
others?provide the public with much of the online news they consume.
But although a large proportion of the top stories these sites disseminate cover
politics, international relations, and economics, users of these sites show a
preference (as evidenced by the most viewed stories) for news about sports, crime,
entertainment, and weather. In this talk, I will draw on joint work with Eugenia
Mitchelstein that examines this gap and consider the implications for the media industry
and democratic life in the digital age.


Pablo J. Boczkowski is Professor and Director of the Program in Leadership for
Creative Enterprises at Northwestern University. His research program looks at the
transition from print to digital media, with a focus on the organizational and
occupational dynamics of contemporary journalism and increasingly examined by
adopting a comparative lens. He is the author of Digitizing the News:
Innovation in Online Newspapers (MIT Press, 2004); News at Work: Imitation in an Age of
Information Abundance (University of Chicago Press, 2010); The News Gap: When the
Information Preferences of the Media and the Public Diverge (MIT Press, November 2013;
co-authored with Eugenia Mitchelstein); Media Technologies: Essays on Communication,
Materiality and Society (MIT Press, 2014; co-edited with Tarleton Gillespie and Kirsten Foot).
His current major project is an ethnographic study of the demise of print newspapers in
Chicago, Paris, and Buenos Aires, as a window into larger dynamics of institutional decay.


