東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


August 5, 2022

制作展Extra 2022の舞台裏Behind the scenes at iii Exhibition Extra 2022 – Returning to a physical venue

2022年度の前半は対面授業が増え、7月1日から4日まで開催された「東京大学制作展Extra 2022/Emulsion」も、3年ぶりにオンサイトで実施されました。開幕前日の6月30日の午後、会場の情報学環本館地下のオープンスタジオには、展示する作品の最終調整をする学生のグループや、会場設営担当の学生たちが床で敷物をカットする姿がありました。イベントを目前に学生たちが慌ただしくも楽しそうに準備を行う様子は久しぶりの光景で、とても新鮮に写りました。



初めて自分達の作品が鑑賞される機会となった制作展Extra 2022の初日に話を伺った参加学生の中には、会場に設置したとたんにそれまでは意識していなかった作品の見え方に気づき、急遽変更を加えたことを話してくださった方がいました。ほかにも、来場者が作品よりもまず展示の説明を読む様子が多く見られることに気づいたことや、作品と鑑賞者のインタラクションには想像以上に個人差があるといった感想を語ってくださった方々もありました。今回の経験やフィードバックが本番の秋の制作展にどのように生かされるか楽しみです。


As face-to-face classes increased during the first half of this academic year, the “University of Tokyo iii Exhibition Extra 2022/Emulsion” was also held on-site for the first time in three years from July 1st to July 4th. On the afternoon of June 30th, a day before the opening of the exhibition, a group of students were seen adjusting their works to be exhibited at the Open Studio in the main building of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, while students in charge of setting up the venue were cutting a rug on the floor as part of the decoration. It was refreshing to see students busily preparing for the event.

The students participating in the iii Exhibition from both GSII and beyond are responsible not only for creating the artworks, but also for all other tasks to actualize and run the event, including building the website, designing and setting up the venue, accounting and public relations.

During the past two years, the annual exhibition, which is part of a class and takes place twice a year, has been held on the Internet, providing students an opportunity to challenge themselves to realize the event and create artworks in an online environment. This time around, however, bringing the exhibition back on site had its own challenges, including taking measures against infection. According to Toki Sugino, a first-year student in the Graduate School of Engineering and one of the producers of iii Exhibition Extra 2022, and Norika Nakazawa, a first-year master’s course student at GSII in charge of public relations of the exhibition, because the artworks were to be exhibited in a physical space, most students decided to create artworks that are interactive with the audience. At the same time, they said, there were issues that were also unique to on-site events, such as where and how to place the works and giving consideration to the lighting. Having read the archived reports of exhibitions held before the pandemic, the student producers kept an eye on the overall progress, while the participating students shared ideas and exchanged opinions via Slack and other means. They also met weekly in class to shape their works while receiving feedback from the supervising professors.

On the first day of the exhibition, as their works were seen by the audience for the first time, some of the participating students said they were pleasantly surprised to notice how the audience viewed and interacted with their works in ways they had not expected. Such experience at the iii Exhibition Extra will be applied in the main iii Exhibition scheduled for November, which is the final goal of this exhibition program.

Text: Setsuko Kamiya (Project assistant professor)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


苗村 健
  • 先端表現情報学コース
  • 情報学環教育部


NAEMURA, Takeshi
  • Emerging design and informatics course
  • Undergraduate research student program