東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


July 26, 2022

東京大学制作展Extra 2022 / Emulsion “iiiExhibition Extra 2022 / Emulsion” Event report

2022年7月1日(金)− 4日(月)に情報学環オープンスタジオにて「東京大学制作展Extra2022 “Emulsion”」を開催しました。東京大学制作展は、情報・メディアアート分野の専門家である教員達の監修のもと、学生が中心となって作品制作と運営を行う学際情報学府主催の展示会です。7月にプレ展示(Extra)、11月に本番展示(Main)が行われます。今回はCOVID-19の感染拡大に配慮しての完全予約制ながら、3年ぶりの対面開催となりました。




・公式HP: https://www.iiiexhibition.com/
・Twitter: https://twitter.com/iiiexhibition
・Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iiiexhibition/
・Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iiiexhibition/

記事:中澤 紀香(修士課程、東京大学制作展広報担当)

An exhibition titled “The University of Tokyo iiiExhibition Extra 2022 ‘Emulsion’ ” was held from July 1st to July 4th at the Open Studio, iii UTokyo. This exhibition is organized by the University of Tokyo III/GSII, and participating students are responsible for organizing and creating artworks. Usually, it is held twice a year, in July and November. The artworks exhibited in November are supposed to be refined based on feedback received at the July exhibition.

The concept of the most recent exhibition was “Emulsion”. This concept is explained as follows: “Two substances refusing to become one. They attract, repel, and produce something new. Exhibiting the creative potential in this ‘slippage’ as interdisciplinary encounters reimagine existing forms, Emulsion offers one model to mediate the divisions of our contemporary moment.” Fifteen artworks varying from those using natural objects to those utilizing artificial intelligence were exhibited and enjoyed by 482 visitors. Those who exhibited their artworks learned much and received many hints as a result of communicating with the visitors. We will try to improve the quality of the exhibition for autumn using this advice as reference.

The main exhibition is scheduled for November, featuring not only upgraded artworks but also new artworks. We will offer details through our official website and SNS. All those interested are most welcome to come and visit.

・Website: https://www.iiiexhibition.com/
・Twitter: https://twitter.com/iiiexhibition
・Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iiiexhibition/
・Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iiiexhibition/

Text: Norika Nakazawa (Master’s student, iiiExhibition PR member)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


苗村 健
  • 先端表現情報学コース
  • 情報学環教育部


NAEMURA, Takeshi
  • Emerging design and informatics course
  • Undergraduate research student program