東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


September 10, 2021

レポート:特別展『疎と密 ー 音景 ×コレクション』(東京大学総合研究博物館)“Sparse and Dense: Soundscape x Collection” Exhibition at the University Museum





https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/event/umutexhibition (こちらから展示室内の様子をサウンドスケープとともにご覧いただけます)。

The scientific and cultural collections of the University Museum include items that were once research materials of past faculty members. These items previously existed at different times in history and in various locations of the world. In regular exhibitions, however, they are observed in an environment where ordinary sounds of the museum – such as air conditioning and people’s footsteps – are heard in the background. Currently taking place at the Hongo Main Museum, “Sparse and Dense: Soundscape x Collection” is a unique exhibition where visitors are invited to observe the collections while surrounded by natural or city soundscapes.

The sounds you will hear are those of the Masumi Waterfall in Hokkaido’s Takino Suzuran Park, and the city soundscape of Kyoto’s New Year’s Eve recorded on top of Funaokayama, a hill in the north part of the ancient capital. The recordings are played through special speakers handmade by volunteers that hang from the ceiling. The collections placed in transparent cases are also illuminated with white and blue lights, visually presenting a special atmosphere in the dark room. The location and timing of the sounds and lights are carefully calculated and controlled – a process that is actually very challenging, according to associate professor Hirohisa Mori, the producer of the exhibition.

As Professor Mori explains, the aim of this exhibition is to give visitors an opportunity to take time to examine the selected items on display while the museum’s daily noises are erased by soundscapes from elsewhere. Indeed, it was an extraordinary experience to observe the brilliant colors of exotic beetles and butterflies reflecting in the light as the pounding sounds of a waterfall filled the atmosphere.

Text: Setsuko Kamiya (Project assistant professor)
English proofreading: David Buist (Senior project specialist)



主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


森 洋久
  • 総合分析情報学コース

Associate Professor

MORI, Hirohisa
  • Applied computer science course