June 14, 2021
【研究紹介】情報社会において、新しい技術に法はいかに対峙するのか? (酒井麻千子准教授)How does the law deal with new technologies in the information society? (Associate Prof. SAKAI Machiko)
酒井麻千子「デジタル時代における知財政策(特集 情報法というフロンティア)」法学教室479号30頁(2020年)
酒井麻千子「第4章 アートのデジタルコンテンツの権利処理にかかわる法的問題について」嘉村哲郎・高野明彦(編)『デジアルアーカイブ・ベーシックス4 アートシーンを支える』(勉誠出版、2020年)
Information law deals with laws related to the production, distribution, and consumption of information. With the development of information and communication technology, the role of information law has become more significant than ever, as it covers a wide range of laws related to information, such as the Constitution (freedom of expression, privacy, etc.), the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Antimonopoly Law, and the Copyright Law.
Among the categories of information law, my main research subject is copyright law. The purpose of copyright law is to strike a balance between the protection and use of copyrighted works. However, with the emergence and popularization of new technologies and methods of using copyrighted works, such as AI/machine learning and digital archives, etc., it has become necessary to re-examine this balance. Likewise, due to COVID-19 last year, more and more university courses were offered online, and I had more opportunities to think about the proper way to use copyrighted works in the classroom.
Another issue that I have been continuously working on since I started my research life is photography and copyright. Whether or not photographs should be protected as copyrighted works has been a hot-button subject because of the technical characteristics of using a camera to capture an object. Today, there is no dispute that photographs are generally copyrighted works. However, as various electronic devices are equipped with camera functions and anyone can easily take photographs, and as the world is flooded with many photographs, it is necessary to re-examine what types of photographs should be protected as copyrighted works.
In addition to copyright law, I have been interested in protecting personal information and privacy since I joined the III. I have studied the balance between new ways of using information (such as profiling) and protections of individual rights and interests, including privacy. Although there are similarities with copyright law in that it involves considering the balance between protection and utilization of information, it is also interesting to note that the legal regulations are quite different.
Since last year, I have been examining legal issues related to smart cities and personal data protection in a research project on “City as a Platform,” headed by my colleague Associate Professor Soichiro Takagi.
At III/GSII, many researchers and students are involved in new technologies and services, making it an attractive environment for cross-disciplinary and collaborative work. I would like to continue to deepen my research on how the law should deal with new technologies in the information society.
酒井麻千子「デジタル時代における知財政策(特集 情報法というフロンティア)」法学教室479号30頁(2020年)
酒井麻千子「第4章 アートのデジタルコンテンツの権利処理にかかわる法的問題について」嘉村哲郎・高野明彦(編)『デジアルアーカイブ・ベーシックス4 アートシーンを支える』(勉誠出版、2020年)
Text: Machiko Sakai (Associate professor)
English Proofreading: David Buist (Senior project specialist)
主担当教員Associated Faculty Members
酒井 麻千子
- 社会情報学コース
Associate Professor
SAKAI, Machiko
- Socio-information and communication studies course